问题的要点是我正在尝试使用 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 从本地 Windows 10 机器连接到 MSSQL Express Docker 容器,该容器位于 RHEL 7 服务器上。它使用为容器创建的用户名/密码成功连接到 RHEL 7 服务器 IP 地址和端口 (1433)。然而,它抛出了一个错误,在无数小时搜索谷歌之后,人们已经提到需要启用 TCP/IP。这在 Windows GUI 中很容易。在 Linux 环境中没有那么多。

来自 SSMS 的错误消息:

与服务器成功建立连接,但在登录前握手期间发生错误。(提供者:TCP Provider,错误:0 - 指定的网络名称不再可用。)(Microsoft SQL Server,错误:64)-> 指定的网络名称不再可用

我知道如何在 Windows 环境中执行此操作:

  1. 运行SQL Server 配置管理器
  2. 展开SQL Server 网络配置
  3. 选择MSSQLSERVER的协议属性
  4. 启用TCP/IP

我还想出了如何使用mssql-conf来修改mssql.conf中的各种属性,这就是发生这种变化的地方。问题是我想启用 TCP/IP ,但在/opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf 列表下没有看到该选项| 更多


作为参考,这些是您可以与 mssql-conf(Linux 上的 SQL Server 配置管理器等效)一起使用的参数。

control.alternatewritethrough                           Enable optimized write through flush for O_DSYN
C requests
control.hestacksize                                     Host extension stack size in KB
control.stoponguestprocessfault                         Stops the process if any guest process reports
unhandled exception
control.writethrough                                    Use O_DSYNC for file flag write through request
coredump.captureminiandfull                             Capture both mini and full core dumps
coredump.coredumptype                                   Core dump type to capture: mini, miniplus, filt
ered, full
distributedtransaction.allowonlysecurerpccalls          Configure secure only rpc calls for distributed
distributedtransaction.fallbacktounsecurerpcifnecessary Configure security only rpc calls for distribut
ed transactions
distributedtransaction.maxlogsize                       DTC log file size in MB. Default is 64MB
distributedtransaction.memorybuffersize                 Circular buffer size in which traces are stored
. This size is in MB and default is 10MB
distributedtransaction.servertcpport                    MSDTC rpc server port
distributedtransaction.trace_cm                         Traces in the connection manager
distributedtransaction.trace_contact                    Traces the contact pool and contacts
distributedtransaction.trace_gateway                    Traces Gateway source
distributedtransaction.trace_log                        Log tracing
distributedtransaction.trace_misc                       Traces that cannot be categorized into the othe
r categories
distributedtransaction.trace_proxy                      Traces that are generated in the MSDTC proxy
distributedtransaction.trace_svc                        Traces service and .exe file startup
distributedtransaction.trace_trace                      The trace infrastructure itself
distributedtransaction.trace_util                       Traces utility routines that are called from mu
ltiple locations
distributedtransaction.trace_xa                         XA Transaction Manager (XATM) tracing source
distributedtransaction.tracefilepath                    Folder in which trace files should be stored
distributedtransaction.turnoffrpcsecurity               Enable or disable RPC security for distributed
filelocation.defaultbackupdir                           Default directory for backup files
filelocation.defaultdatadir                             Default directory for data files
filelocation.defaultdumpdir                             Default directory for crash dump files
filelocation.defaultlogdir                              Default directory for log files
filelocation.errorlogfile                               Error log file location
filelocation.masterdatafile                             Master database data file location
filelocation.masterlogfile                              Master database log file location
hadr.hadrenabled                                        Allow SQL Server to use availability groups for
 high availability and disaster recovery
language.lcid                                           Locale identifier for SQL Server to use (e.g. 1
033 for US - English)
memory.memorylimitmb                                    SQL Server memory limit (megabytes)
network.disablesssd                                     Disable querying SSSD for AD account informatio
n and default to LDAP calls
network.enablekdcfromkrb5conf                           Enable looking up KDC information from krb5.con
network.forceencryption                                 Force encryption of incoming client connections
network.forcesecureldap                                 Force using LDAPS to contact domain controller
network.ipaddress                                       IP address for incoming connections
network.kerberoskeytabfile                              Kerberos keytab file location
network.privilegedadaccount                             Privileged AD user to use for AD authentication
network.rpcport                                         TCP port for Rpc endpoint mapper
network.tcpport                                         TCP port for incoming connections
network.tlscert                                         Path to certificate file for encrypting incomin
g client connections
network.tlsciphers                                      TLS ciphers allowed for encrypted incoming clie
nt connections
network.tlskey                                          Path to private key file for encrypting incomin
g client connections
network.tlsprotocols                                    TLS protocol versions allowed for encrypted inc
oming client connections
sqlagent.databasemailprofile                            SQL Agent Database Mail profile name
sqlagent.enabled                                        Enable or disable SQLAgent
sqlagent.errorlogfile                                   SQL Agent log file path
sqlagent.errorlogginglevel                              SQL Agent logging level bitmask - 1=Errors, 2=W
arnings, 4=Info
telemetry.customerfeedback                              Telemetry status
telemetry.userrequestedlocalauditdirectory              Directory for telemetry local audit cache


[sqlagent] enabled = true

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