I am currently learning Rust and Rocket
Using Rust 1.54.0+Rocket 0.5.0_rc1+ Diesel 1.4.7 + r2d2 0.8.9
I created a DB Postgres connection pool with r2d2. I want to share the connection pool between requests/Routes, to do that I am trying to use Rocket Managed State. https://rocket.rs/v0.5-rc/guide/state/#managed-state
I created a DB Connection Pool, saved it on the state, but when I tried to access that DB Connection Pool from the Route. I am getting 2 error on the same line
Cell<i32> cannot be shared between threads safely
RefCell<HashMap<StatementCacheKey<Pg>, pg::connection::stmt::Statement>> cannot be shared between threads safely
here my code
pub async fn establish_pooled_connection() -> Result<PooledConnection<ConnectionManager<PgConnection>>, r2d2_diesel::Error> {
let database_url = env::var("DATABASE_URL")
.expect("DATABASE_URL must be set");
let manager = ConnectionManager::<PgConnection>::new(&database_url);
let pool = r2d2::Pool::builder().build(manager).expect("Failed to create pool.");
let conn = pool.clone().get().unwrap();
struct DBPool{
db_pool: PooledConnection<ConnectionManager<PgConnection>>
async fn main() {
let pool = establish_pooled_connection();
.manage(DBPool{db_pool: pool})
#[post("/callapi", data = "<request>")]
async fn callapi(request: RequestAPI<'_>, _dbpool: &State<DBPool>) -> Json<models::api_response::ApiResponse> {
The errors are for this parameter
_dbpool: &State<DBPool>
thanks in advance