这个功能有什么问题?这似乎是一个范围错误(尽管我认为我已经通过将每个可调用对象放在列表中而不是直接使用它来解决这个问题)。错误是达到最大递归深度(调用 comp(inv,dbl,inc) 时)...


def comp(*funcs):
    if len(funcs) in (0,1):
        raise ValueError('need at least two functions to compose')
    # get most inner function
    composed = []
    print("appending func 1")
    # pop last and reverse
    funcs = funcs[:-1][::-1]
    i = 1
    for func in funcs:
        i += 1
        print("appending func %s" % i)
        composed.append(lambda *args, **kwargs: func(composed[-1](*args,**kwargs)))
    return composed[-1]

def inc(x):
    print("inc called with %s" % x)
    return x+1
def dbl(x):
    print("dbl called with %s" % x)
    return x*2
def inv(x):
    print("inv called with %s" % x)
    return x*(-1)

if __name__ == '__main__':


appending func 1
appending func 2
appending func 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "comp.py", line 31, in <module>
  File "comp.py", line 17, in <lambda>
    composed.append(lambda *args, **kwargs: func(composed[-1](*args,**kwargs)))
  File "comp.py", line 17, in <lambda>
    composed.append(lambda *args, **kwargs: func(composed[-1](*args,**kwargs)))
  File "comp.py", line 17, in <lambda>
    composed.append(lambda *args, **kwargs: func(composed[-1](*args,**kwargs)))
  File "comp.py", line 17, in <lambda>
    composed.append(lambda *args, **kwargs: func(composed[-1](*args,**kwargs)))
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

2 回答 2


composed您创建的 lambda 函数在变量上构建一个闭包:

composed.append(lambda *args, **kwargs: func(composed[-1](*args,**kwargs)))

这意味着在您创建lambda 函数composed[-1]时不评估它,而是在您调用它时评估它。效果是,这将一次又一次地递归调用自己。composed[-1]

您可以通过使用辅助函数(具有自己的范围)来创建 lambda 函数来解决此问题:

def comp2(f1, f2):
    return lambda *args, **kwargs: f1(f2(*args, **kwargs))

for func in funcs:
     composed.append(comp2(func, composed[-1]))
于 2011-08-01T15:00:41.350 回答


def compose(*funcs):
    if len(funcs) in (0,1):
        raise ValueError('need at least two functions to compose')

    # accepting *args, **kwargs in a composed function doesn't quite work
    # because you can only pass them to the first function.
    def composed(arg):
        for func in reversed(funcs):
            arg = func(arg)
        return arg

    return composed

# what's with the lambdas? These are functions already ...
def inc(x):
    print("inc called with %s" % x)
    return x+1
def dbl(x):
    print("dbl called with %s" % x)
    return x*2
def inv(x):
    print("inv called with %s" % x)
    return -x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = compose(inv,dbl,inc)
    print f(2)
    print f(3)
于 2011-08-01T15:18:26.310 回答