我正在寻找一种解决方案,即 Orion Context Broker 中某个实体的属性值(由 Wilma PEP 代理和 Keyrock 保护)只能由特定用户(创建实体的用户)更改.
我正在寻找一种解决方案,即 Orion Context Broker 中某个实体的属性值(由 Wilma PEP 代理和 Keyrock 保护)只能由特定用户(创建实体的用户)更改.
Not sure about Wilma PEP, but with Steelskin PEP (and side componentes Keystone and Keypass) you can use multitenancy to secure the access to your entities, at two levels:
Thus, users in a given subservice (in a given service) would access only to the entities belonging to such subservice (in the given service). Access to other subservices will be forbidden.
As a reference, you can use this link as an example to deploy and interact with the different components APIs based on KeyStone security stack.