
I was asked to create a screensaver capable to run on both win and mac. I am ActionScript developer, so I prefer to solve this using Flash/SWF. I know this is possible using several tools:

  • Projectors such as Zinc or SWF Studio (os independent, $$$)
  • Converters creating screensavers that use the Flash Player (one converter per os necessary, requires Flash Player on user machine, freeware)
  • Adobe Air created screensavers (os independent, requires Air on user machine, no costs)

I do not have control over the machines the screensaver will run. So everything needs to be simple and safe. I would go for option 2, but I am not sure if the tools I discovered are reliable.


  • What tool you recommend to create the screensaver descibed using existing SWF files?
  • Is there another (single) tool to create the screensaver without using Flash/AS/SWF?

1 回答 1


I don't know of any free/custom way of making a screensaver that works on both Windows and Mac. For Windows you can easily make one yourself by wrapping the Flash ActiveX, or you can use instantstorm, which is free.

于 2011-08-03T12:13:43.267 回答