我开始开发一个使用 SOAP API 访问 Amazon S3 存储的应用程序。

我已经阅读了说明如果文件大小大于 1 MB 则必须使用方法 PutObject 的文档。现在 PutObject 使用 DIME 附件。

是否有人可以向我展示如何使用 GSOAP 为 Amazon S3 的 PutObject 方法执行 DIME 附件的示例代码或示例或代码片段。

由于可移植性,我想使用 GSOAP 并使其通用。出于同样的原因,我不想使用 Amazon 提供的 .NET API。我特别想要 GSOAP,因为我之前曾在 GSOAP 工作过。




1 回答 1


我整理了一些使用 PutObject 上传大于 1MB 的文件的东西,它也应该适用于较小的文件。我分享给其他可能觉得它有用的人。

另请参阅我之前关于使用 GSOAP 访问 S3 AMAZON AWS S3 使用 GSOAP C C++的帖子 该链接还包含生成签名的方法。

这是 PutObject 的代码。

它使用来自 sourceforge 的最新 GSOAP。


要求:OpenSSL GSOAP 使用编译器预处理指令 WITH_OPENSSL 构建。包括库文件 libeay32 和 ssleay32。从上面的链接中获取生成签名的方法。

void PutObject(char *filename)

    AmazonS3SoapBindingProxy amazonS3Interface;   
    struct soap*                         soapPtr;
   soapPtr = dynamic_cast<struct soap*>(&amazonS3Interface);  

     SOAP_SSL_NO_AUTHENTICATION,  /* for encryption w/o authentication */
    /* SOAP_SSL_DEFAULT | SOAP_SSL_SKIP_HOST_CHECK, */  /* if we don't want the host name checks since these will change from machine to machine */
    /*SOAP_SSL_DEFAULT,*/   /* use SOAP_SSL_DEFAULT in production code */
    NULL,               /* keyfile (cert+key): required only when client must authenticate to server (see SSL docs to create this file) */
    NULL,               /* password to read the keyfile */
    NULL,       /* optional cacert file to store trusted certificates, use cacerts.pem for all public certificates issued by common CAs */
    NULL,               /* optional capath to directory with trusted certificates */
    NULL                /* if randfile!=NULL: use a file with random data to seed randomness */

    //use this if you are behind a proxy to connect to internet
    amazonS3Interface.proxy_host="proxyservername"; //proxyservername
    amazonS3Interface.proxy_port=4050; //proxy port
    amazonS3Interface.proxy_userid="username"; //proxy authentication
    amazonS3Interface.proxy_http_version="1.1"; //http ver

    amazonS3Interface.dime_id_format ="uuid:09233523-345b-4351-b623-5dsf35sgs5d6-%x"; 
   // Set callback functions   
   soapPtr->fdimereadopen   = dime_read_open;  
   soapPtr->fdimereadclose  = dime_read_close;   
   soapPtr->fdimeread       =dime_read;      

    _ns1__PutObject preq;
    _ns1__PutObjectResponse presp;
    ns1__PutObjectResult res;

    FILE *fp=fopen(filename,"rb");
    fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); 
    size_t sz = ftell(fp);

    fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET); 

    preq.Bucket=std::string("FGTSDrive");//bucket name to put file in
    preq.AWSAccessKeyId=new std::string("ACCESSKEY");//access key here
    char *sig=aws_signature("SECRETKEY","AmazonS3","PutObject",xml_datetime(),NULL);//correct secretkey here

    preq.Signature=new std::string(sig);
    preq.Timestamp=new time_t(time(NULL));
    preq.Key=std::string(filename);//name of the key ie the filename

   int result(0);   
   preq.ContentLength=sz; //length of the file

   ns1__MetadataEntry med;
   med.Value=std::string("application/zip");//change the type depending on the file extenstion



   result =soap_set_dime_attachment(soapPtr,  (char*)fp, sz,"application/zip", NULL, 0,filename);//change the content type depending on the file extenstion

  if (result != SOAP_OK) {     }
  result = amazonS3Interface.PutObject(&preq, &presp);
   if (result != SOAP_OK) {   }


static void *dime_read_open(struct soap *soap, void *handle, const char *id, const char *type, const char *options)
{ // we should return NULL without setting soap->error if we don't want to use the streaming callback for this DIME attachment. The handle contains the non-NULL __ptr field value which should have been set in the application.
  // return value of this function will be passed on to the fdimeread and fdimereadclose callbacks. The return value will not affect the __ptr field.
    std::cout <<"dime_read_open"<<std::endl;
  return handle;

static void dime_read_close(struct soap *soap, void *handle)
    std::cout <<"dime_read_close"<<std::endl;

static size_t dime_read(struct soap *soap, void *handle, char *buf, size_t len)
    std::cout <<"dime_read_read"<<std::endl;
    return fread(buf, 1, len, (FILE*)handle);



于 2011-08-16T08:22:53.677 回答