



        private int CreatePathsWithAllSteps(int pathKey)
            //Make sure we reiterate through the list of paths for all the configured steps to complete the paths.
            for (int i = 0; i < MaxSteps - 2; i++)
                //Create a fresh list of new paths with each complete iteration so we're not duplicating added paths
                Dictionary<int, TravelPath> newPaths = new Dictionary<int, TravelPath>();

                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, TravelPath> path in Paths)
                    //We need to find the list of Destination Pairs we can use with the existing path
                    Dictionary<string, DestinationPair> pairsToUse = FindDestinationPairsToUseNext(path, i+1);
                    bool isfirstiteration = true;

                    //***Issue*** 1 - Creating the copy of the KVP so I can reuse it to create all possible combinations of it with the next step in the path.
                    //I use the values of the KVP from the dictionary i'm iterating through. This seems to create them as reference paths back to the original dictionary.  
                    KeyValuePair<int, TravelPath> pathCopy = new KeyValuePair<int, TravelPath>(path.Key, path.Value);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DestinationPair> TP in pairsToUse)
                        //Make sure we're using already existing paths first and then create new ones for all other options. 

                        if (isfirstiteration)
                            //First time through use path already created at this point
                            if (path.Value.Path[i].Name != TP.Value.Name)
                                //Destination Pair is different to the previous pair so add it
                                path.Value.Path[i + 1] = TP.Value;
                                isfirstiteration = false;
                            //for this one, create a new copy of the path we're working on and then update with next step
                            if (pathCopy.Value.Path[i].Name != TP.Value.Name)
                                //***Issue*** 2 - When I use the value of the copied KVP to create a new KVP to add to the dictionary this also seems to create a reference back to the copy and by extension the original value from the original dictionary we're iterating through. 
                                KeyValuePair<int, TravelPath> tempTP = new KeyValuePair<int, TravelPath>(pathKey, pathCopy.Value);
                                //***Issue*** 3 - I then edit the value of the KVP created in the previous line, and this changes the value in the original main Paths dictionary.
                                tempTP.Value.Path[i + 1] = TP.Value;
                                if (!PathValueComparer(tempTP, newPaths, Paths))
                                    newPaths.Add(pathKey, pathCopy.Value);


                foreach(KeyValuePair<int, TravelPath> path in newPaths)
                    Paths.Add(path.Key, path.Value);
            return pathKey;
        catch (Exception ex)
            return pathKey;



现在距离我上次进行常规编码已经 3 或 4 年了,所以我有点生疏了(请不要过多地判断我的代码,哈哈),但我确实记得以前在处理字典时遇到过类似的问题,而且我似乎请记住,解决方案是拥有一个实现 IDictionary 和 ICloneable 的自定义字典,因此您可以调用.Clone()创建一个未引用的副本,然后可以对字典进行临时编辑并使用这些值,而不会将它们引用回您的源字典。

我想我会尝试用 KVP 做一些类似的事情,但似乎没有一个 KVP 接口可以实际用作自定义实现的基础。

我觉得我可能只是创建一个可克隆的字典,然后在从克隆版本中获取我需要的 KVP 副本之前克隆它,但是对于这项工作,我真的不需要整个字典都是可克隆的,只是KVP,所以看起来有点浪费

所以我想问题是,有没有更好的方法来打破 KVP 和 Dictionary 的值之间的引用?


1 回答 1


本质问题是,尽管内存中有两个不同的 KeyValuePair,但它们引用同一个 TravelPath 类

 //this line
KeyValuePair<int, TravelPath> pathCopy = new KeyValuePair<int, TravelPath>(path.Key, path.Value);

//sets up this in memory

123 <-- path.Key, path.Value --> TravelPathX <-- pathCopy.Value, pathCopy.Key --> 123

值类型被克隆,因此有两个不同的 123,但两个 Value 属性都引用 TravelPath 的同一个实例。修改 TravelPath 实例的属性意味着 path 和 pathcopy 都可以看到

没有看到 TravelPath 很难进一步了解,但简单的解决方案是创建一个新的 TravelPath 并复制您想要的属性。请记住克隆您想要修改的任何内容,例如,如果 TravelPath 有一个列表,它也需要newing(如果您要修改列表中的对象而不是删除和创建新对象,那么这些对象new也需要 ing ..)

//this line
var pathCopy = new KeyValuePair<int, TravelPath>(path.Key, new TravelPath { Name = path.Value.Name ... });

//Would set up this in memory
123 <-- path.Key, path.Value --> TravelPathX
                                 TravelPathY <-- pathCopy.Value, pathCopy.Key --> 123
于 2021-08-30T06:11:40.153 回答