yestreday I thought that I had a problem with the ssl in shared ssl but the problem is because of the structure of the url - not because its ssl.

the home page loads ok (besides images but that's ok) https://nimrod.eukhosting.net/~nadavwei/myatar.co.cc/ this is because the defaulr controller is used so CI doesn't have to figure out the uri structure

when there is a class in the url, codeigniter doesn't even show it's own error page. for example, https://nimrod.eukhosting.net/~nadavwei/myatar.co.cc/aaa shows 404 error also without https in the url I get the same error

without the shared ssl structure its working

mode_rewrite is working fine (checked it without CI)


2 回答 2


尝试将base_urlconf 文件从更改httphttps.

于 2011-08-01T08:44:43.840 回答

在您的 applications/config.php 中更改$config['index_page'] = 'index.php';为,此外在 CI 中,如果您不使用但尝试调用 url以避免 404 错误$config['index_page'] = '';//mod_rewrite enabled,您的控制器必须具有方法。index()controller/methodnamecontroller/

于 2011-08-01T08:47:20.640 回答