我正在尝试将命令从服务器发送到计算机,这些命令将启动网络共享中的 powershell 脚本。


我想要做的是我想将该脚本启动到计算机,但我想从我的服务器查看进度条状态(用户不会看到任何内容),winrm 已启用,我使用此命令从远程启动脚本:

$machine = computer01
$script = {
       & "\\$Global:SCCM\MajPoliciesSCCM.ps1"
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $machine -ScriptBlock $script -ArgumentList $Global:SCCM 

$Global:SCCM 随包含 powershell 脚本(带有进度条)的服务器而变化。

我不知道是否可以从我的服务器看到进度条状态,因为我认为如果脚本启动到我的计算机 01,状态将出现在这台机器上。




$Global:syncHash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$newRunspace =[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$newRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
$newRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"

# Load WPF assembly if necessary

$psCmd = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
    [xml]$xaml = @"
        Title="Mise à jours des stratégies du client SCCM" Height="350" Width="525">
    <Grid Background="#68BFDD">
        <TextBlock x:Name="textBlock" HorizontalAlignment="center" Height="62" Margin="30" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Barre de progression" FontWeight="Bold" UseLayoutRounding="True" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="200" Foreground="White" FontSize="18.667"/>
        <Button x:Name="button" Content="Exécuter" FontWeight="Bold" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="50" Margin="322,-60,0,0"  Width="114">
                <DropShadowEffect BlurRadius="15" ShadowDepth="0"/>
                <Style TargetType="{x:Type Border}">
                    <Setter Property="CornerRadius" Value="5"/>
                    <Setter Property="Padding" Value="10,2,10,3"/>
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="White"/>
        <Button x:Name="button2" Content="Fermer" FontWeight="Bold" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="50" Margin="322,100,0,0"  Width="114"  Style="{DynamicResource RoundCorner}" IsCancel="True"  Command="{Binding CloseWindowCommand, Mode=OneWay}" CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=TestWindow}">
                <DropShadowEffect BlurRadius="15" ShadowDepth="0"/>
                <Style TargetType="{x:Type Border}">
                    <Setter Property="CornerRadius" Value="5"/>
                    <Setter Property="Padding" Value="10,2,10,3"/>
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="White"/>

        <ProgressBar x:Name = "ProgressBar" Height = "20" Width = "400" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin = "36,270,0,0"/>
        <TextBlock x:Name="heartbeat" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="10,108,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="161" FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold" >
            Lancement du HeartBeat
        <TextBlock x:Name="startordieval" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="35" Margin="10,136,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="201" FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold" >
            Strategie ordinateur et cycle <LineBreak/> d'évaluation

        <TextBlock x:Name="cycleEvalLog" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="10,175,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="240" FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold" >
            Déploiements de mises à jours logiciels
        <TextBlock x:Name="cycleevalappli" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="35" Margin="10,200,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="161" FontSize="12"  FontWeight="Bold" >
            Cycle d'evaluation du <LineBreak/>déploiement de l'application

        <TextBlock x:Name="EndScript" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="10,240,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Fin du script" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="111" FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold"/>

    # Remove XML attributes that break a couple things.
    #   Without this, you must manually remove the attributes
    #   after pasting from Visual Studio. If more attributes
    #   need to be removed automatically, add them below.
    $AttributesToRemove = @(

    foreach ($Attrib in $AttributesToRemove) {
        if ( $xaml.Window.GetAttribute($Attrib) ) {
    $reader=(New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml)
    $syncHash.Window=[Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load( $reader )

    [xml]$XAML = $xaml
        $xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@*[contains(translate(name(.),'n','N'),'Name')]]") | %{
        #Find all of the form types and add them as members to the synchash
        $syncHash.Add($_.Name,$syncHash.Window.FindName($_.Name) )


    $Script:JobCleanup = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
    $Script:Jobs = [system.collections.arraylist]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList))

    #region Background runspace to clean up jobs
    $jobCleanup.Flag = $True
    $newRunspace =[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
    $newRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
    $newRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"          
    $jobCleanup.PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
        #Routine to handle completed runspaces
        Do {    
            Foreach($runspace in $jobs) {            
                If ($runspace.Runspace.isCompleted) {
                    $runspace.Runspace = $null
                    $runspace.powershell = $null               
            #Clean out unused runspace jobs
            $temphash = $jobs.clone()
            $temphash | Where {
                $_.runspace -eq $Null
            } | ForEach {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1     
        } while ($jobCleanup.Flag)
    $jobCleanup.PowerShell.Runspace = $newRunspace
    $jobCleanup.Thread = $jobCleanup.PowerShell.BeginInvoke()  
    #endregion Background runspace to clean up jobs

        #Start-Job -Name Sleeping -ScriptBlock {start-sleep 5}
        #while ((Get-Job Sleeping).State -eq 'Running'){
            $x+= "."
        #region Boe's Additions
        $newRunspace =[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
        $newRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
        $newRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"          
        $PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({

Function write-log{            
##  Function: Write-Log            
##  Purpose: This function writes trace32 log fromat file to user desktop      
##  Function by: Kaido Järvemets Configuration Manager MVP (http://www.cm12sdk.net)
    $TimeZoneBias = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select Bias from Win32_TimeZone"                     
    $Date= Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.fff"                     
    $Date2= Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"                     
    "<![LOG[$Message]LOG]!><time=$([char]34)$date+$($TimeZoneBias.bias)$([char]34) date=$([char]34)$date2$([char]34) component=$([char]34)$component$([char]34) context=$([char]34)$([char]34) type=$([char]34)$severity$([char]34) thread=$([char]34)$([char]34) file=$([char]34)$([char]34)>"| Out-File -FilePath "C:\windows\MAJPolicies_SCCM.Log" -Append -NoClobber -Encoding default            

#On récupère le nom de la machine via les variables d'environnement

write-log -Message "-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+Debut du script MAJPolicies_SCCM+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+" -severity 1 -component "Strategies SCCM"

Function Update-Window {
        Param (

        # This is kind of a hack, there may be a better way to do this
        If ($Property -eq "Close") {

        # This updates the control based on the parameters passed to the function
            # This bit is only really meaningful for the TextBox control, which might be useful for logging progress steps
            If ($PSBoundParameters['AppendContent']) {
            } Else {
                $syncHash.$Control.$Property = $Value
        }, "Normal")

#Lancement du HeartBeat
$HearBeat = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003}'|% {Invoke-WMIMethod -ComputerName $machine -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_CLIENT -Name TriggerSchedule $_} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

#On lance le Heartbeat, si c'est OK il fera les autres actions sinon il se stoppera
if ($HearBeat)
    Update-Window -Control heartbeat -Property ForeGround -Value green                                                       
    start-sleep -Milliseconds 850
    #$x += 1..15000000
    update-window -Control ProgressBar -Property Value -Value 25
    #Le log se trouve dans "C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\InventoryAgent.log"
    write-log -Message "Lancement du HeartBeat" -severity 1 -component "Heartbeat"

    #update-window -Control TextBox -property text -value $x -AppendContent
    Update-Window -Control startordieval -Property ForeGround -Value green                                                     
    start-sleep -Milliseconds 850
    update-window -Control ProgressBar -Property Value -Value 50

    #Stratégie ordinateur + cycle d'évaluation
    sleep -Milliseconds 500
    #Les logs se trouvent dans "C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\PolicyAgent.log" et "C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\PolicyEvaluator.log"
    '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021}','{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000022}'|% {Invoke-WMIMethod -ComputerName $machine -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_CLIENT -Name TriggerSchedule $_} | Out-Null
    write-log -Message "Recuperation de strategie ordinateur et cycle d'evaluation" -severity 1 -component "Strategie ordinateur et cycle eval"

    Update-Window -Control cycleEvalLog -Property ForeGround -Value green                                                       
    start-sleep -Milliseconds 500
    update-window -Control ProgressBar -Property Value -Value 75
    #MAJ logiciels
    sleep -Milliseconds 500
    #Le log se trouve dans "C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\UpdatesDeployment.log"
    '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000108}'|% {Invoke-WMIMethod -ComputerName $machine -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_CLIENT -Name TriggerSchedule $_} | Out-Null
    write-log -Message "Cycle d'evaluation des deploiements de mises a jours logiciels" -severity 1 -component "Eval deploiemen maj"

    Update-Window -Control cycleevalappli -Property ForeGround -Value green                                                       
    start-sleep -Milliseconds 200
    update-window -Control ProgressBar -Property Value -Value 80

    #Lancement policies Déploiement applications
    sleep -Milliseconds 500
    #Le log se trouve dans "C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\AppIntentEval.log"
    '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000121}'|% {Invoke-WMIMethod -ComputerName $machine -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_CLIENT -Name TriggerSchedule $_} | Out-Null
    write-log -Message "Cycle d'evaluation du deploiement de l'application" -severity 1 -component "Eval deploiemen appli"

    Update-Window -Control EndScript -Property ForeGround -Value green                                                       
    start-sleep -Milliseconds 200
    update-window -Control ProgressBar -Property Value -Value 100    
write-log -Message "Lancement du HeartBeat négatif" -severity 1 -component "Heartbeat"
write-log -Message "Merci de vérifier le client SCCM" -severity 1 -component "Client SCCM"
Update-Window -Control heartbeat -Property ForeGround -Value red
Update-Window -Control startordieval -Property ForeGround -Value red
Update-Window -Control cycleEvalLog -Property ForeGround -Value red
Update-Window -Control cycleevalappli -Property ForeGround -Value red                                                         
Update-Window -Control EndScript -Property ForeGround -Value red
start-sleep -Milliseconds 200
Update-Window -Control ProgressBar -Property Value -Value 100

write-log -Message "-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+Fin du script MAJPolicies_SCCM+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+" -severity 1 -component "Strategies SCCM"

        $PowerShell.Runspace = $newRunspace
                PowerShell = $PowerShell
                Runspace = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke()

    #region Window Close 
        Write-Verbose 'Halt runspace cleanup job processing'
        $jobCleanup.Flag = $False

        #Stop all runspaces
    #endregion Window Close 
    #endregion Boe's Additions

    #$x.Host.Runspace.Events.GenerateEvent( "TestClicked", $x.test, $null, "test event")

    $syncHash.Window.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
    $syncHash.Error = $Error
$psCmd.Runspace = $newRunspace
$data = $psCmd.BeginInvoke()

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