**请记住,只需修改引用的常量,就可以重用此代码为去颅骨和非去颅骨数据创建数据库。 def slices_matrix_2D(img): *''' 将 3D MRI 图像转换为 2D 图像,方法是获取 9 个切片并将它们放置在 4x4 二维网格中。
All 16 cuts are from a horizontal/axial view. They are selected
from the 30th to the 60th level of the original 3D image.*
img -- np.ndarray with the 3D image
np.ndarray -- The resulting 2D image
# create the final 2D image
image_2D = np.empty(IMG_2D_SHAPE)
# set the limits and the step
TOP = 60
STEP = 2
N_CUTS = 16
# iterator for the cuts
cut_it = TOP
# iterator for the rows of the 2D final image
row_it = 0
# iterator for the columns of the 2D final image
col_it = 0
for cutting_time in range(N_CUTS):
# cut
cut = img[cut_it, :, :]
cut_it -= STEP
# reset the row iterator and move the
# col iterator when needed
if cutting_time in [4, 8, 12]:
row_it = 0
col_it += cut.shape[1]
# copy the cut to the 2D image
for i in range(cut.shape[0]):
for j in range(cut.shape[1]):
image_2D[i + row_it, j + col_it] = cut[i, j] (it gives the error here)
row_it += cut.shape[0]
# return the final 2D image, with 3 channels
# this is necessary for working with most pre-trained nets
return np.repeat(image_2D[None, ...], 3, axis=0).T
#return image_2D
它在 ----> 1 create_tf_record_2D(training_set, train_tfrec2D, LABELS) 2 create_tf_record_2D(test_set, test_tfrec2D, LABELS) 3 create_tf_record_2D(validation_set, val_tfrec2D, LABELS) 中给出类似 IndexError Traceback (last recent call last)的错误
<ipython-input-145-a58a668df074> in create_tf_record_2D(img_filenames, tf_rec_filename, labels)
20 # load the image and label
---> 21 img, label = load_image_2D(meta_data, labels)
23 # create a feature
<ipython-input-143-8a6e1c4008a3> in load_image_2D(abs_path, labels)
28 # make the 2D image
---> 29 img = slices_matrix_2D(img)
31 return img, label
<ipython-input-142-9f2419afd597> in slices_matrix_2D(img)
44 for i in range(cut.shape[0]):
45 for j in range(cut.shape[1]):
---> 46 image_2D[i + row_it, j + col_it] = cut[i, j]
47 row_it += cut.shape[0]
**IndexError: index 440 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 440****