我正在尝试在我的 Ubuntu Linux 机器上安装 QGroundControl。我有 Linux 的发行版 18.04。我已按照他们网站上的详细说明进行操作:https ://docs.qgroundcontrol.com/master/en/getting_started/download_and_install.html

但是,当我尝试在最后一步中打开 QGroundControl.AppImage 时,它​​失败了,并从我的用户注销到登录屏幕。重新登录时看到此错误:

Settings location "/home/lab/.config/QGroundControl.org/QGroundControl.ini" Is writable?: true
Filter rules "*Log.debug=false\nGStreamerAPILog.debug=true\n"
nvc0_screen_create:1111 - Error allocating PGRAPH context for M2MF: -16
XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0"
      after 11 requests (11 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
nvc0_screen_create:1111 - Error allocating PGRAPH context for M2MF: -16
nvc0_screen_create:1111 - Error allocating PGRAPH context for M2MF: -16
System reported locale: QLocale(English, Latin, United States) ; Name "en_US" ; Preferred (used in maps):  "en-US"
MAVLinkLogManagerLog: MAVLink logs directory: "/home/lab/Documents/QGroundControl/Logs"
VideoReceiverLog: Stop called on empty URI
VideoReceiverLog: Stop called on empty URI
Map Cache in: "/home/lab/.cache/QGCMapCache300" / "qgcMapCache.db"
qml: QGCCorePlugin(0x562dece98ba0) [1,2]
<Unknown File>: Invalid empty URL
The X11 connection broke: I/O error (code 1)
XIO:  fatal IO error 22 (Invalid argument) on X server ":0"
      after 192 requests (6 known processed) with 0 events remaining.



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