//Customer State Machine
const CustomerStateMachine = createMachine(
    id: "customer",

    initial: "pending",

    states: {
      pending: {
        on: {
            target: "active",
            actions: ["activate"],

          DELETE: {
            target: "delete",
            actions: ["delete"],

      active: {
        on: {
          DEACTIVATE: {
            target: "deactive",
            actions: ["deactivate"],

          DELETE: {
            target: "delete",
            actions: ["delete"],

      deactive: {
        on: {
          ACTIVATE: {
            target: "active",
            actions: ["activate"],

          DELETE: {
            target: "delete",
            actions: ["delete"],

      delete: {
        type: "final",
    actions: {
      // action implementations

      activate: async (context, event) => {
        await updateCustomerState(context, event, cepSTATUS.CUSTOMER.ACTIVE);
        console.log("activate called....");

      delete: async (context, event) => {
        await updateCustomerState(context, event, cepSTATUS.CUSTOMER.DELETE);
        console.log("delete customer called....");

      deactivate: async (context, event) => {
        console.log("deactivate customer called....");
        await updateCustomerState(context, event, cepSTATUS.CUSTOMER.DEACTIVE);
        console.log("deactivate customer called....");

//update customer state using this function

const updateCustomerState = (context, event, status) =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    //customer id validation
    if (!event.customer_id) {
      return reject("Invalid customer id");

    //update customer status here

        state: status,
        where: {
          customer_id: event.customer_id,
      .then((cResult) => {
        if (!cResult) {
          return reject("Invalid customer");
        } else {
          return resolve(cResult);
      .catch((err) => {
        return reject("failed to update customer state");

//I have implemented this state machine for customer.

//Call Account State Machine and set account state from pending to active

const customerService = interpret(CustomerStateMachine)
  .onTransition((customerState) => {

//below line works for me

customerService.send("PASSWORD_RESET_COMPLETED", { customer_id: decodedToken.customer_id });

//but when I try below to change state of customer to deactivate customer its not working

const service = interpret(CustomerStateMachine)
  .onTransition((customerState) => {

const currentState = "active";

const nextState = CustomerStateMachine.transition(currentState, "DEACTIVATE").value;

service.send("DEACTIVATE", { customer_id: customer_id });

我有存储客户的列状态的客户表。其中 state=1 表示挂起,state=2 表示活动 state=3 表示停用,state=4 表示已删除,我必须根据操作管理数据库中的客户状态。我正在尝试使用状态机来检查当前状态下允许的操作。我做错了什么吗?请帮忙。提前致谢。


1 回答 1


我不确定您要实现什么 - 也许您希望机器从与初始“待定”状态不同的状态开始?不确定这是否可能——除了使用基于机器上下文确定下一个状态的瞬态节点之外。


const customerService = interpret(CustomerStateMachine)
  .onTransition((customerState) => {

customerService.send("PASSWORD_RESET_COMPLETED", { customer_id: customer_id });
customerService.send("DEACTIVATE", { customer_id: customer_id });
于 2021-08-25T07:39:07.960 回答