免责声明:我写了一个小库来探索这个概念:https ://github.com/ppetr/refcounted-var-sized-class
我们想为 type 的数据结构和 type的元素数组分配一块内存A
// Owns a block of memory large enough to store a properly aligned instance of
// `T` and additional `size` number of elements of type `A`.
template <typename T, typename A = char>
class Placement {
// Allocates memory for a properly aligned instance of `T`, plus additional
// array of `size` elements of `A`.
explicit Placement(size_t size)
: size_(size),
allocation_(std::allocator<char>().allocate(AllocatedBytes())) {
Placement(Placement const&) = delete;
Placement(Placement&& other) {
allocation_ = other.allocation_;
size_ = other.size_;
other.allocation_ = nullptr;
~Placement() {
if (allocation_) {
std::allocator<char>().deallocate(allocation_, AllocatedBytes());
// Returns a pointer to an uninitialized memory area available for an
// instance of `T`.
T* Node() const { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&AsPlaceholder()->node); }
// Returns a pointer to an uninitialized memory area available for
// holding `size` (specified in the constructor) elements of `A`.
A* Array() const { return reinterpret_cast<A*>(&AsPlaceholder()->array); }
size_t Size() { return size_; }
// Holds a properly aligned instance of `T` and an array of length 1 of `A`.
struct Placeholder {
typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), alignof(T)>::type node;
// The array type must be the last one in the struct.
typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(A[1]), alignof(A[1])>::type array;
Placeholder* AsPlaceholder() const {
void* ptr = allocation_;
size_t space = sizeof(Placeholder) + alignof(Placeholder) - 1;
ptr = std::align(alignof(Placeholder), sizeof(Placeholder), ptr, space);
assert(ptr != nullptr);
return reinterpret_cast<Placeholder*>(ptr);
size_t AllocatedBytes() {
// We might need to shift the placement of for up to `alignof(Placeholder) - 1` bytes.
// Therefore allocate this many additional bytes.
return sizeof(Placeholder) + alignof(Placeholder) - 1 +
(size_ - 1) * sizeof(A);
size_t size_;
char* allocation_;
template <typename T, typename A = char,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_destructible<A>{} ||
bool>::type = true>
class VarSized {
// Initializes an instance of `T` with an array of `A` in a memory block
// provided by `placement`. Callings a constructor of `T`, providing a
// pointer to `A*` and its length as the first two arguments, and then
// passing `args` as additional arguments.
template <typename... Arg>
VarSized(Placement<T, A> placement, Arg&&... args)
: placement_(std::move(placement)) {
auto [aligned, array] = placement_.Addresses();
array = new (array) char[placement_.Size()];
new (aligned) T(array, placement_.Size(), std::forward<Arg>(args)...);
// Same as above, with initializing a `Placement` for `size` elements of `A`.
template <typename... Arg>
VarSized(size_t size, Arg&&... args)
: VarSized(Placement<T, A>(size), std::forward<Arg>(args)...) {}
~VarSized() { std::move(*this).Delete(); }
// Destroys this instance and returns the `Placement`, which can then be
// reused or destroyed as well (deallocating the memory block).
Placement<T, A> Delete() && {
// By moving out `placement_` before invoking `~T()` we ensure that it's
// destroyed even if `~T()` throws an exception.
Placement<T, A> placement(std::move(placement_));
return placement;
T& operator*() const { return *placement_.Node(); }
const T* operator->() const { return &**this; }
Placement<T, A> placement_;
带有自定义删除器的 a。但这需要在内部为引用计数器分配另一小块内存(另请参阅如何实现 std::tr1::shared_ptr?)。