我正在尝试编写一个小型 WCF 服务(自托管 basicHttp)来从手机触摸屏接收鼠标坐标。首先,我尝试编写一个同步 OneWay 操作,但我无法让它与手机一起使用。看来我只能写异步操作?同步 OneWay 操作是否与真正的异步方法几乎一样异步?无论如何,我让它与异步操作模式一起工作。但。它非常非常慢。我每秒可以收到一条消息,也许更多。这是可以预料的,还是有什么方法可以通过异步操作加快速度?除了WP7要求它之外,我不需要它因为任何特殊原因而异步......
262 次
1 回答
WP7 only supports async operations, to avoid developers writing code that blocks the UI, and thus causing a bad user experience.
Having a app that sends the touch-coordinates (there's no "mouse" for WP7) seems a bit strange to me, what's it for? Also, are you sending on when the user is moving the finger(s) around or on tap, or for all of it?
于 2011-07-30T12:35:34.060 回答