from dataclasses import dataclass
import typing as t
from hypothesis import given, strategies as st
T = t.TypeVar("T")
class Branch(t.Generic[T]):
weight: int
left: t.Union[t.List[T], "Branch[T]"]
right: t.Union[t.List[T], "Branch[T]"]
Rope = t.Union[t.List[T], Branch[T]]
def insert(rope: Rope, index: int, item: T) -> Rope:
if isinstance(rope, list): # leaf
if index == len(rope): # at the end, just append
return rope
# split
left, right = rope[:index], [item, *rope[index:]]
return Branch(len(left), left, right)
else: # branch
if rope.right and rope.weight <= index:
rope.right = insert(rope.right, index - rope.weight, item)
rope.weight += 1
rope.left = insert(rope.left, index, item)
return rope
def straighten(rope: Rope) -> t.Iterator[T]:
if isinstance(rope, list):
yield from rope
yield from straighten(rope.left)
yield from straighten(rope.right)
def instructions(draw, elements=st.integers(0, 255)):
items = draw(st.lists(elements, min_size=1))
result = []
for i, item in enumerate(items):
insertion_point = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=i))
result.append((insertion_point, item))
return result
def test_correctness(seq: t.List[t.Tuple[int, int]]) -> None:
manual: t.List[int] = []
for (i, item) in seq:
manual.insert(i, item)
rope: Rope = []
for (i, item) in seq:
rope = insert(rope, i, item)
assert manual == list(
), f"{manual!r} != {rope!r} => {list(straighten(rope))!r}"
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("All good")
from dataclasses import dataclass
import typing as t
from hypothesis import given, strategies as st
T = t.TypeVar("T")
class Branch(t.Generic[T]):
weight: int
left: t.Union[T, "Branch[T]"]
right: t.Union[T, "Branch[T]"]
Rope = t.Union[T, Branch[T]]
def insert(rope: Rope, index: int, item: T) -> Rope:
if isinstance(rope, Branch): # leaf
if rope.right and rope.weight <= index:
rope.right = insert(rope.right, index - rope.weight, item)
rope.weight += 1
rope.left = insert(rope.left, index, item)
return rope
if index == 0:
left, right = item, rope
left, right = rope, item
return Branch(1, left, right)
def straighten(rope: Rope) -> t.Iterator[T]:
if isinstance(rope, Branch):
yield from straighten(rope.left)
yield from straighten(rope.right)
yield rope
def instructions(draw, elements=st.integers(0, 255)):
items = draw(st.lists(elements, min_size=1))
result = []
for i, item in enumerate(items):
insertion_point = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=i))
result.append((insertion_point, item))
return result
def test_correctness(seq: t.List[t.Tuple[int, int]]) -> None:
it = iter(seq)
_, head = next(it)
rope: Rope = head
manual = [head]
for (i, item) in it:
manual.insert(i, item)
rope = insert(rope, i, item)
straight_rope: t.List[int] = list(straighten(rope))
assert manual == straight_rope, f"{manual!r} != {straight_rope!r} ({rope!r})"
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("All good")