我正在尝试将快速选择从 Ruby 转换为 Python。Ruby代码如下:
class SortableArray
attr_reader :array
def initialize(array)
@array = array
def quickselect!(kth_lowest_value, left_index, right_index)
# If we reach a base case - that is, that the subarray has one cell,
# we know we've found the value we're looking for:
if right_index - left_index <= 0
return @array[left_index]
# Partition the array and grab the index of the pivot:
pivot_index = partition!(left_index, right_index)
# If what we're looking for is to the left of the pivot:
if kth_lowest_value < pivot_index
# Recursively perform quickselect on the subarray to
# the left of the pivot:
quickselect!(kth_lowest_value, left_index, pivot_index - 1)
# If what we're looking for is to the right of the pivot:
elsif kth_lowest_value > pivot_index
# Recursively perform quickselect on the subarray to
# the right of the pivot:
quickselect!(kth_lowest_value, pivot_index + 1, right_index)
else # if kth_lowest_value == pivot_index
# if after the partition, the pivot position is in the same spot
# as the kth lowest value, we've found the value we're looking for
return @array[pivot_index]
def partition!(left_pointer, right_pointer)
# We always choose the right-most element as the pivot.
# We keep the index of the pivot for later use:
pivot_index = right_pointer
# We grab the pivot value itself:
pivot = @array[pivot_index]
# We start the right pointer immediately to the left of the pivot
right_pointer -= 1
while true
# Move the left pointer to the right as long as it
# points to value that is less than the pivot:
while @array[left_pointer] < pivot do
left_pointer += 1
# Move the right pointer to the left as long as it
# points to a value that is greater than the pivot:
while @array[right_pointer] > pivot do
right_pointer -= 1
# We've now reached the point where we've stopped
# moving both the left and right pointers.
# We check whether the left pointer has reached
# or gone beyond the right pointer. If it has,
# we break out of the loop so we can swap the pivot later
# on in our code:
if left_pointer >= right_pointer
# If the left pointer is still to the left of the right
# pointer, we swap the values of the left and right pointers:
@array[left_pointer], @array[right_pointer] = @array[right_pointer], @array[left_pointer]
# We move the left pointer over to the right, gearing up
# for the next round of left and right pointer movements:
left_pointer += 1
# As the final step of the partition, we swap the value
# of the left pointer with the pivot:
@array[left_pointer], @array[pivot_index] = @array[pivot_index], @array[left_pointer]
# We return the left_pointer for the sake of the quicksort method
# which will appear later in this chapter:
return left_pointer
array = [0, 50, 20, 10, 60, 30]
sortable_array = SortableArray.new(array)
p sortable_array.quickselect!(1, 0, array.length - 1)
当我将它转换为 python 时,它只有在我return
在 if 和 elif 条件(第 28 和 30 行)之后放置 a 时才起作用,如下所示:
def partition(left_p, right_p, arr=[]):
pivot_index = right_p
pivot = arr[pivot_index]
right_p -= 1
while True:
while arr[left_p] < pivot:
left_p += 1
while arr[right_p] > pivot:
right_p -= 1
if left_p >= right_p:
arr[left_p], arr[right_p] = arr[right_p], arr[left_p]
left_p += 1
arr[left_p], arr[pivot_index] = arr[pivot_index], arr[left_p]
return left_p
def quickselect(kth_lowest_value, left_index, right_index, arr=[]):
if right_index - left_index <= 0:
return arr[left_index]
pivot_index = partition(left_index, right_index, arr)
if kth_lowest_value < pivot_index:
return quickselect(kth_lowest_value, left_index, pivot_index-1, arr)
elif kth_lowest_value > pivot_index:
return quickselect(kth_lowest_value, pivot_index+1, right_index, arr)
print(f"item = {arr[pivot_index]}")
return arr[pivot_index]
array = [200, 97, 100, 101, 211, 107, 63, 123, 11, 34]
index = quickselect(6, 0, len(array)-1, array)
为什么它在没有返回的情况下在 Ruby 中工作?是因为它在课堂上吗?