我按升序对 HLA 汇编语言中的 3 个数字进行排序。我没有得到正确的答案。我在 HLA 中的逻辑有什么问题。例如,如果我输入 12、1、50,它应该排序为 1、12、50。相反,我得到以下结果:

Gimme X: 12
Gimme Y: 1
Gimme Z: 50
swapXandY swapXandZ swapYandZ After Sorting, X = 50, Y = 1, Z = 12


#include <iostream>

void Sort(int &a, int &b, int &c){
        int tmp = a;
        a = b;
        b = tmp;
        int tmp = a;
        c = tmp;
        int tmp = b;

这是我的 HLA 代码:

program SwapperProgram;
#include ("stdlib.hhf");

    iValue1 : int16;
    iValue2 : int16;
    iValue3 : int16;
procedure swapper (var x : int16; var y : int16; var z : int16); @nodisplay; @noframe;
    dReturnAddress : dword;
    iTemp : int16;
    dEDXRegister : dword := 0;                              // preserve EDX
    dECXRegister : dword := 0;                              // preserve ECX
    dEBXRegister : dword := 0;                              // preserve EBX
    dEAXRegister : dword := 0;                              // preserve EAX
begin swapper;
    mov (EAX, dEAXRegister);
    mov (EBX, dEBXRegister);
    mov (ECX, dECXRegister);
    mov (EDX, dEDXRegister);
    pop( dReturnAddress );                              // This is the return address
    pop (ECX);                                          // This is the address of z
    pop (EBX);                                          // This is the address of y
    pop (EAX);                                          // This is the address of x
    push (dEAXRegister);
    push (dEBXRegister);
    push (dECXRegister);
    push (dEDXRegister);

    cmp (EAX, EBX);                                     // if (x > y)
    jg swapXandY;                                       // swap x and y

    cmp (EAX, ECX);
    jg swapXandZ;

    cmp (EBX, ECX);
    jg swapYandZ;

    stdout.put ("swapXandY ");
    mov ([EAX], EDX);                                   
    mov (DX, iTemp);
    mov ([EBX], EDX);
    mov (DX, [EAX]);                                    // *EAX = DX
    mov (iTemp, DX);
    mov (DX, [EBX]);
    stdout.put ("swapXandZ ");
    mov ([EAX], EDX);
    mov (DX, iTemp);
    mov ([ECX], EDX);
    mov (DX, [EAX]);
    mov (iTemp, DX);
    mov (DX, [ECX]);
    stdout.put ("swapYandZ ");
    mov ([EBX], EDX);
    mov (DX, iTemp);
    mov ([ECX], EDX);
    mov (DX, [EBX]);
    mov (iTemp, DX);
    mov (DX, [ECX]);
    jmp ExitSequence;
    pop (EDX);
    pop (ECX);
    pop (EBX);
    pop (EAX);
    push (dReturnAddress);
end swapper;
begin SwapperProgram;
    stdout.put ("Gimme X: ");
    stdin.get (iValue1);
    stdout.put ("Gimme Y: ");
    stdin.get (iValue2);
    stdout.put ("Gimme Z: ");
    stdin.get (iValue3);
    lea( EAX, iValue1 );                                    // get address of iValue1
    push( EAX );
    lea( EAX, iValue2 );                                    // get address of iValue2
    push( EAX );
    lea( EAX, iValue3 );                                    // get address of iValue3
    push( EAX );
    call swapper;
    stdout.put ("After Sorting, X = ", iValue1);
    stdout.put (", Y = ", iValue2);
    stdout.put (", Z = ", iValue3);
end SwapperProgram;



1 回答 1






    int tmp;
    if ( a > b ) {
        tmp = a;
        a = b;
        b = tmp;
    if ( a > c ) {
        tmp = a;
        a = c;
        c = tmp;
    if ( b > c ) {
        tmp = b;
        b = c;
        c = tmp;

将其翻译成 if-goto-label 程序集样式,但仍使用 C 语言,因此您可以真正阅读:

    int tmp;

    if ( a <= b ) goto if1Done;     // start of first if-statement
    tmp = a;                        // then part of first if
    a = b;
    b = tmp;
if1Done:                            // end of first if-statement

    if ( a <= c ) goto if2Done;     // start of second if-statement
    tmp = a;                        // then part of second if
    a = c;
    c = tmp;
if2Done:                            // end of second if-statement

    if ( b <= c ) goto if3Done;     // start of third if-statement
    tmp = b;                        // then part of third if
    b = c;
    c = tmp;
if3Done:                            // end of third if-statement

    return;                         // last statement

你能看到当第一个 if 语句完成时,它如何运行下一个 if 语句,无论第一个 if 语句是否触发/运行它的 then 部分。

这就是控制流在高级语言中的工作方式,如果使用这种有条不紊的按模式翻译方法进行复制,则控制流在汇编语言中的工作方式与在 C 语言中的工作方式相同。

我推荐上述有条不紊的方法,它基于控制语句模式匹配进行翻译,并保持汇编代码块与 C 代码块的顺序相同。在这种方法中,标签名称与控制结构有关,而不是与标签后面的代码的性质有关。


这种方法唯一真正的缺点是条件测试有时(这里总是)需要被反转/否定,因为我们告诉处理器何时跳过一个 then 部分,即向前跳到下一个语句 - 而不是何时执行then-part(就像我们在 C 中所做的那样)。

但是,在汇编中,我们有额外的选择,因为我们可以随心所欲地 goto,因此其他翻译也是可能的。例如,这里有一个。

    int tmp;

    if ( a > b ) goto if1Then; // start of first if-statement
if1Done:                       // end of first if-statement

    if ( a > c ) goto if2Then; // start of second if-statement
if2Done:                       // end of second if-statement

    if ( b > c ) goto if3Then; // start of third if-statement
if3Done:                       // end of third if-statement

    return;                    // last statement

// out of line then parts

if1Then:                       // start of then part of first if
    tmp = a;
    a = b;
    b = tmp;
    goto if1Done;              // end of then part of first if

if2Then:                       // start of then part of second if
    tmp = a;
    a = c;
    c = tmp;
    goto if2Done;              // end of then part of second if

if3Then:                       // start of then part of third if
    tmp = b;
    b = c;
    c = tmp;
    goto if3Done;              // end of then part of third if



于 2021-08-15T15:15:48.950 回答