如何添加配置文件列表?现在我必须一一写出来。我知道可以使用 profile_list = ['profile1','profile2','profile3', ...] 但我不知道如何在代码中实现它。

``from instaloader import Instaloader, Profile
import instaloader
from instaloader.structures import Post 

list_of_profile = [''] 
for list_element in list_of_profile: 
    L = Instaloader() 
    profile = Profile.from_username(L.context, list_element)
    posts_sorted_by_likes = sorted(profile.get_posts(), key=lambda post: post.likes, reverse=True) 

quant = 3
for elements in range(quant):
     L.download_post(posts_sorted_by_likes[elements], list_element)

1 回答 1



from instaloader import Instaloader, Profile
from instaloader.structures import Post 

list_of_profile = [''] 
L = Instaloader() 
posts = []
quant = 3

for name in list_of_profile: 
    profile = Profile.from_username(L.context, name)
    # Get all the posts, sorted by descending likes.
    posts_sorted_by_likes = sorted(posts, key=lambda post: post.likes, reverse=True)[:quant]
    # Add the top three to our master list.
    posts.extend( posts_sorted_by_likes )

# Fetch the master list.
for post in posts:
     L.download_post(post, list_element)
于 2021-08-15T04:46:37.427 回答