All of the examples I followed for tinyxml resulted in xml files that I was able to view in Internet Explorer.
However, when I programmably created mine, nothing showed in IE. I can confirm however that the xml file has everything I expect it to have.
Here is the code to create the xml:
bool InputIO::saveDevice( const std::string & fileName, const InputDevice& device ) const
TiXmlDocument doc;
TiXmlDeclaration* decl = new TiXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "", "" );
doc.LinkEndChild( decl );
TiXmlElement* root = new TiXmlElement("Input Devices");
TiXmlElement* dev = new TiXmlElement("Device");
for(int p = 0; p < 2; ++p)
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; ++i)
//Primary configuration when p is 0
InputKey key = device.getKey(InputEvent::Uniform_inputEnum(i),p == 0);
TiXmlElement* button = new TiXmlElement("button");
button->SetAttribute("input type",key.inputType);
button->SetAttribute("key code",key.keyCode);
button->SetAttribute("joy axis",key.axis);
button->SetAttribute("joy button",key.button);
button->SetAttribute("joy stick",key.stick);
button->SetAttribute("axis direction","positive");
button->SetAttribute("axis direction","negative");
return true;
And here is the resulting xml
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Input Devices>
<Device number="1">
<button configuration="0" number="0" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="1" input type="1" key code="216" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="2" input type="1" key code="84" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="3" input type="1" key code="85" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="4" input type="1" key code="82" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="5" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="6" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="7" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="8" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="9" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="10" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="11" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="12" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="13" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="14" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="15" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="16" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="17" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="18" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="19" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="0" number="20" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="0" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="1" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="2" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="3" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="4" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="5" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="6" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="7" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="8" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="9" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="10" input type="1" key code="83" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="11" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="12" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="13" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="14" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="15" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="16" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="17" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="18" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="19" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
<button configuration="1" number="20" input type="0" key code="0" joy axis="0" joy button="0" joy stick="0" axis direction="positive" />
</Input Devices>