public String calculateProfitMargin() {
String returnMe = "";
double profitMargin = 0;
try {
profitMargin = (orderItems[0].getItem().getPriceSoldFor() - orderItems[0].getItem().getCostToCompany()) / ( (int) orderItems[0].getItem().getCostToCompany() );
catch (ArithmeticException e) {
System.out.println("\nEXCEPTION CAUGHT\n________________");
System.out.println("Details: / by Zero");
System.out.println("To prevent this problem in the future DO NOT enter 0 as the cost to the company for any product in the system");
returnMe = "The profit margin for Order " + orderNumber + " is: " + (profitMargin * 100) + "%";
return returnMe;
稍后在我的程序中,我使用用户输入来设置 priceSoldFor 和 costToCompany 的值。尽管我将 costToCompany 设置为 0,但从未发生异常。我该如何解决?