我目前正在尝试在我的 linux 7.9 服务器上安装 oracle EBS 12.2。在预安装检查期间,我遇到了几个错误,其中一些与 Web 服务器安装先决条件有关:

The entry point is: oracle.installType.all
Check Name:CertifiedVersions
Check Description:This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the Oracle software is certified on the current O/S or not.
Expected result: One of oracle-7,redhat-7,redhat-6,oracle-6,oracle-5,enterprise-5.4,enterprise-4,enterprise-5,redhat-5.4,redhat-4,redhat-5,SuSE-10,SuSE-11
Actual Result: oracle-Oracle
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<

Check Name:Packages
Check Description:This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the packages recommended for installing the product are available on the system.
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Not executed <<<<

Check Name:Kernel
Check Description:This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the minimum required kernel parameters are configured.
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Not executed <<<<

Check Name:GLIBC
Check Description:This is a prerequisite condition to check whether the recommended glibc version is available on the system
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Not executed <<<<

Check Name:TotalMemory
Check Description:This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has sufficient physical memory.
Expected result: 1024MB
Actual Result: 15768MB
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed

Check Name:Check Env Variable
Check Description:Check for LD_ASSUME_KERNEL
Expected result: LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable should not be set in the environment.
Actual Result: Variable Not set.
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed

Summary : 0 requirements failed, 4 requirements to be verified.



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