我需要通过代码下载来自flask rest API的文件(.pdf)
return send_file(file_location, as_attachment=True)
我尝试使用 RNFetchBlob
addAndroidDownloads: {
useDownloadManager: true, // <-- this is the only thing required
// Optional, override notification setting (default to true)
notification: false,
// Optional, but recommended since android DownloadManager will fail when
// the url does not contains a file extension, by default the mime type will be text/plain
mime: 'application/pdf',
description: 'File downloaded by download manager.',
.fetch('POST', '', data)
.then((res)=>console.log('The file saved to ', res.path()))
但即使我在烧瓶中提到 POST 方法,它也会作为 GET 方法接收 - - [11/Aug/2021 19:05:31] "GET /v1/quote/view HTTP/1.1" 405 -