

public static void main(String[] args){
        List<List<String>> allPaths = new ArrayList<>();
        allPaths.add(List.of("Newyork","Washington","Los Angeles","Chicago"));
        allPaths.add(List.of("Newyork","Columbus", "Chicago"));
        Set<String> orphanageLocations = new HashSet<>();
        removeDuplicatedLocation(allPaths, orphanageLocations);
        //expected allPaths:
        //"Newyork","Washington","Los Angeles","Chicago"
        //expected orphanageLocations
    private static void removeDuplicatedLocation(List<List<String>> allPaths, Set<String> orphanageLocations){
        //do something here

在i 中存储从 a到其他城市allPaths的所有路径。origin但可能某些路径将包含相同的城市,例如Washington出现在第一条和第二条路径中。


并且服务还返回无法访问的城市。例如,第二条路径有“华盛顿”与第一条路径重复,然后我们删除第二条路径(它的城市比第一条路径少),然后没有可用的“休斯顿”路径 -> 成为孤儿院


public static void main(String[] args){
        List<List<String>> allPaths = new ArrayList<>();
        allPaths.add(List.of("Newyork","Washington","Los Angeles","Chicago", "Dallas"));
        allPaths.add(List.of("Newyork","Los Angeles","Houston", "Philadenphia"));
        allPaths.add(List.of("Newyork","Columbus", "San Francisco"));
        Set<String> orphanageLocations = new HashSet<>();
        removeDuplicatedLocation(allPaths, orphanageLocations);
        //expected allPaths:
        //"Newyork","Washington","Los Angeles","Chicago", "Dallas"
        //"Newyork","Columbus", "San Francisco"
        //expected orphanageLocations



private static void removeDuplicatedLocation(List<List<String>> allPaths, Set<String> orphanageLocations){
        //sort to make sure the longest path is on top
        List<List<String>> sortedPaths = allPaths.stream().sorted((a, b) -> Integer.compare(b.size(), a.size()))
        for(int i = 0; i < sortedPaths.size()-1; i++){
            List<String> path = sortedPaths.get(i);
            for(int j = i+1; j < sortedPaths.size(); j++){
                for(int k = 1; k < path.size();k++) {
                    Iterator<String> iterator = sortedPaths.get(j).iterator();
                    boolean isRemove = false;
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        String city = iterator.next();
                        if(isRemove && !path.contains(city)){
                        if(StringUtils.equals(city, path.get(k))){
                            isRemove = true;
        //remove path if it's only origin
        sortedPaths.removeIf(item -> item.size() == 1);

---编辑2:感谢@devReddit 的解决方案,我做了一个包含大量路线的小测试。每条路径中的城市越多,您的解决方案就越慢

public static void main(String[] args){
        List<List<String>> allPaths = new ArrayList<>();
        List<List<String>> allPaths2 = new ArrayList<>();
        List<String> locations = Stream.of("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N",
                                        "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "X", "Y", "Z").collect(Collectors.toList());
        Random rand = new Random();
        int numberOfRoute = 10000;
        String origin = "NY";
        for(int i = 0; i < numberOfRoute; i++){
            List<String> route = new ArrayList<>();
            List<String> route2 = new ArrayList<>();
            //int routeLength = rand.nextInt(locations.size());
            int routeLength = 10;
            while(route.size() < routeLength){
                int randomIndex = rand.nextInt(locations.size()-1);

        System.out.println("Process for " + allPaths2.size() + " routes");
        Set<String> orphanageLocations2 = new HashSet<>();
        long startTime2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        removeDuplicatedLocation3(allPaths2, orphanageLocations2); //uncle bob solution
        long endTime2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("Total time uncleBob solution(ms):" + (endTime2-startTime2));

        System.out.println("Process for " + allPaths.size() + " routes");
        Set<String> orphanageLocations = new HashSet<>();
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        removeDuplicatedLocation(allPaths, orphanageLocations); //devReddit solution
        long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("Total time devReddit solution(ms):" + (endTime-startTime));

//devReddit solution
private static void removeDuplicatedLocation(List<List<String>> allPaths, Set<String> orphanageLocations) {
        List<List<String>> sortedFixedPaths = allPaths                  // List.of produces immutable lists,
                .stream()                                               // so you can't directly remove string from the list
                .sorted((a, b) -> Integer.compare(b.size(), a.size()))  // this fixed list will be needed later
        List<List<String>> sortedPaths = sortedFixedPaths              // The list is regenerated through manual deep copy
                .stream()                                              // generated a single string from the streams of
                .map(path ->                                           // each List<String> and created new list, this is now mutable
                        new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(String.join(",", path).split(","))))
        Set<List<String>> valuesToBeRemoved = new HashSet<>();
        String source = sortedPaths.get(0).get(0);
        Map<String, List<Integer>> cityMapOfIndex = generateHashMap(sortedPaths, source);    // This hashmap keeps track of the existence of cities in different lists
        removeDuplicates(cityMapOfIndex, sortedPaths);                 // this method removes the duplicates from the smaller paths
        // adds the remaining cities to orphanList
        cityMapOfIndex.forEach((cityName, value) -> {           // this block checks whether any mid element in the path is gone
            int index = value.get(0);                        // removes the path from result list
            List<String> list = sortedPaths.get(index);
            int indexInPath = list.indexOf(cityName);
            if (indexInPath != sortedFixedPaths.get(index).indexOf(cityName)) {
        valuesToBeRemoved.add(new ArrayList<>(Collections.singleton(source)));   // To handle the case where only source remains in the path
        sortedPaths.removeAll(valuesToBeRemoved);                                 // after removing other duplicates

    private static void removeDuplicates(Map<String, List<Integer>> cityMapOfIndex, List<List<String>> sortedPaths) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : cityMapOfIndex.entrySet()) {
            List<Integer> indexList = entry.getValue();
            while (indexList.size() > 1) {
                int index = indexList.get(indexList.size() - 1);         // get the last index i.e. the smallest list of city where this entry exists
                sortedPaths.get(index).remove(entry.getKey());          // remove the city from the list
                indexList.remove((Integer) index);                // update the index list of occurrence
            cityMapOfIndex.put(entry.getKey(), indexList);

    private static Map<String, List<Integer>> generateHashMap(List<List<String>> sortedPaths,
                                                              String source) {
        Map<String, List<Integer>> cityMapOfIndex = new HashMap<>();
        for (int x = 0; x < sortedPaths.size(); x++) {
            int finalX = x;
                    .forEach(city -> {
                        if (!city.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) {                   // add entries for all except the source
                            List<Integer> indexList = cityMapOfIndex.containsKey(city) ?         // checks whether there's already an entry
                                    cityMapOfIndex.get(city) : new ArrayList<>();                // to avoid data loss due to overwriting
                            indexList.add(finalX);                                    // adds the index of the List of string
                            cityMapOfIndex.put(city, indexList);               // add or update the map with current indexList

        return cityMapOfIndex;

//Bob solution
private static void removeDuplicatedLocation3(List<List<String>> allPaths, Set<String> orphanageLocations){
        //sort to make sure the longest path is on top
        List<List<String>> sortedPaths = allPaths.stream().sorted((a, b) -> Integer.compare(b.size(), a.size()))
        for(int i = 0; i < sortedPaths.size()-1; i++){
            List<String> path = sortedPaths.get(i);
            for(int j = i+1; j < sortedPaths.size(); j++){
                for(int k = 1; k < path.size();k++) {
                    Iterator<String> iterator = sortedPaths.get(j).iterator();
                    boolean isRemove = false;
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        String city = iterator.next();
                        if(isRemove && !path.contains(city)){
                        if(StringUtils.equals(city, path.get(k))){
                            isRemove = true;
        //remove path if it's only origin
        sortedPaths.removeIf(item -> item.size() == 1);


路线长度为 6 的测试

Process for 10000 routes
[[NY, Q, Y, T, S, X], [NY, E], [NY, V, A, H, N], [NY, J, L, I], [NY, D], [NY, O], [NY, C], [NY, P, M], [NY, F], [NY, K], [NY, U], [NY, G], [NY, R], [NY, B]]
Total time uncleBob solution(ms):326
Process for 10000 routes
[[NY, Q, Y, T, S, X], [NY, E], [NY, V], [NY, J, L], [NY, D], [NY, O]]
[A, B, C, F, G, H, I, K, M, N, P, R, U]
Total time devReddit solution(ms):206

路线长度为 10

Process for 10000 routes
[[NY, J, V, G, A, I, B, R, U, S], [NY, L, X, Q, M, E], [NY, K], [NY, Y], [NY, F, P], [NY, N], [NY, H, D], [NY, T, O], [NY, C]]
Total time uncleBob solution(ms):292
Process for 10000 routes
[[NY, J, V, G, A, I, B, R, U, S]]
[C, D, E, F, H, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, T, X, Y]
Total time devReddit solution(ms):471


实际上我这不是我所期望的,因为来自@devReddit 的解决方案看起来更好更快



1 回答 1


您提供的解决方案是O(m^2xn^2). 我想出了一个具有O(n^2)时间复杂度的解决方案。添加了必要的评论作为解释:


private static void removeDuplicatedLocation(List<List<String>> allPaths, Set<String> orphanageLocations) {
    List<List<String>> sortedFixedPaths = allPaths                  // List.of produces immutable lists,
            .stream()                                               // so you can't directly remove string from the list
            .sorted((a, b) -> Integer.compare(b.size(), a.size()))  // this fixed list will be needed later
    List<List<String>> sortedPaths = sortedFixedPaths              // The list is regenerated through manual deep copy
            .stream()                                              // generated a single string from the streams of
            .map(path ->                                           // each List<String> and created new list, this is now mutable
                    new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(String.join(",", path).split(","))))
    Set<List<String>> valuesToBeRemoved = new HashSet<>();
    String source = sortedPaths.get(0).get(0);
    Map<String, List<Integer>> cityMapOfIndex = generateHashMap(sortedPaths, source);    // This hashmap keeps track of the existence of cities in different lists
    removeDuplicates(cityMapOfIndex, sortedPaths);                 // this method removes the duplicates from the smaller paths
    cityMapOfIndex.entrySet().stream().forEach(city -> {           // this block checks whether any mid element in the path is gone
        String cityName = city.getKey();                           // adds the remaining cities to orphanList
        int index = city.getValue().get(0);                        // removes the path from result list
        List<String> list = sortedPaths.get(index);
        int indexInPath = list.indexOf(cityName);
        if (indexInPath != sortedFixedPaths.get(index).indexOf(cityName)) {
    valuesToBeRemoved.add(new ArrayList<>(Collections.singleton(source)));   // To handle the case where only source remains in the path
    sortedPaths.removeAll(valuesToBeRemoved);                                 // after removing other duplicates


private static void removeDuplicates(Map<String, List<Integer>> cityMapOfIndex, List<List<String>> sortedPaths) {
    for (Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : cityMapOfIndex.entrySet()) {
        List<Integer> indexList = entry.getValue();
        while (indexList.size() > 1) {
            int index = indexList.get(indexList.size() - 1);         // get the last index i.e. the smallest list of city where this entry exists
            sortedPaths.get(index).remove(entry.getKey());          // remove the city from the list
            indexList.remove((Integer) index);                // update the index list of occurrence
        cityMapOfIndex.put(entry.getKey(), indexList);

private static Map<String, List<Integer>> generateHashMap(List<List<String>> sortedPaths,
                                                          String source) {
    Map<String, List<Integer>> cityMapOfIndex = new HashMap<>();
    for (int x = 0; x < sortedPaths.size(); x++) {     
        int finalX = x;
                .forEach(city -> {
                    if (!city.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) {                   // add entries for all except the source
                        List<Integer> indexList = cityMapOfIndex.containsKey(city) ?         // checks whether there's already an entry
                                cityMapOfIndex.get(city) : new ArrayList<>();                // to avoid data loss due to overwriting
                        indexList.add(finalX);                                    // adds the index of the List of string
                        cityMapOfIndex.put(city, indexList);               // add or update the map with current indexList
    return cityMapOfIndex;


于 2021-08-10T11:00:02.370 回答