我正在尝试在创建 SQS 安全性时提高安全级别,我目前允许使用SQS:SendMessage,但我也想指定一个角色 arn,但我不确定我当前的方式是否正确。


private async Task AddPermissions(string queueUrl, string arn)
            var policy = new Policy
                Statements = new List<Statement> {
                    new Statement(Statement.StatementEffect.Allow) {
                        Principals = new List<Principal>        { new Principal("AWS_PROVIDER",ARN_NAME) }, // I'm not sure if this is the correct way to implement it, by default is Principal("*")
                        Actions    = new List<ActionIdentifier> { new ActionIdentifier("SQS:SendMessage") },
                        Resources  = new List<Resource>         { new Resource(arn) }

            var queueAttributes = new Dictionary<string, string> { { QueueAttributeName.Policy.ToString(), policy.ToJson() } };
            await _amazonSQS.SetQueueAttributesAsync(new SetQueueAttributesRequest(queueUrl, queueAttributes));

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