我正在使用带有 Cucumber 集成的 WDIO 浏览器测试功能。我已经定义了一个功能文件,将其中一个测试场景标记为“@skipped”。我已经处理了步骤定义文件中的场景以跳过带有给定标签的测试。报告(与 Jenkins 兼容的 Junit xml 报告)也反映了相同的情况,但是我还想添加跳过的消息(根据架构跳过的消息支持https://llg.cubic.org/docs/junit/)。谁能帮我添加跳过的消息?


Feature: Add a Todo
    In order to create Todo items
    As a user
    I want to be able to add a Todo item to the list of current items

    Scenario: Add to the initial set
        Given I have 3 Todo's
        When I add one
        Then the total number of Todo's should be 4

    Scenario: Edit a todo
        Given Todo's title is "foo" and description is "foo"
        When I edit one
        Then the total number of Todo's post edit should be 4


Before({tags: '@skipped'}, function() {
    console.log('>>> skipped');
    return "skipped";


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <testsuite name="Add_a_Todo" timestamp="2021-08-04T06:18:15" time="9.555" tests="2" failures="0" errors="0" skipped="1">
      <property name="specId" value="0"/>
      <property name="featureName" value="Add a Todo"/>
      <property name="capabilities" value="chrome.71_0_3578_80.linux"/>
      <property name="featureFile" value="./features/Todo.feature"/>
    <testcase classname="CucumberJUnitReport-chrome.71_0_3578_80.linux.Add_a_Todo" name="Add_a_Todo.Add_to_the_initial_set" time="9.519">
✅ Given I have 3 Todo's✅ When I add one✅ Then the total number of Todo's should be 4

    <testcase classname="CucumberJUnitReport-chrome.71_0_3578_80.linux.Add_a_Todo" name="Add_a_Todo.Edit_a_todo" time="0.014">
⚠️ Given Todo's title is "foo" and description is "foo"
⚠️ When I edit one
⚠️ Then the total number of Todo's post edit should be 4

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