我正在尝试在完全修补的 Windows 7 Professional 64 位机器上使用 cwRsync 版本 3.2.3 协议版本 31 将文件复制到运行 FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE-p14 的 FreeNAS。我使用的命令是: rsync -avhe "./ssh -i C:\Users\Andrew\Downloads\rsync\cwRsync\6v2.1\bin\Andrew_Laptop" --exclude 'Thumbs.db' --delete /cygdrive/C/Users/Andrew/Documents andrew@ 它适用于大多数文件,大约 12,000 个。该命令从批处理文件中调用,将 2>&1 输出到活动日志文件。在检查活动日志时,有很多消息:

rsync: mkstemp "/mnt/FreeNAS_1/backup/Andrew/Laptop/Documents/Documents .cc_20171013_092617.reg.LvUTpY" failed: Operation not permitted (1)

其中大约 6,000 个。事实证明,所有失败的文件都有一个句号“。” 附加到失败消息中文件名的前面,后面附加随机数,如上所述".cc_20171013_092617.reg.LvUTpY"。源文件名是"cc_20171013_092617.reg". 这些文件也不存在于 NAS 的目标文件夹中。请问有什么想法吗?


1 回答 1


I vaguely remember determining that these were temporary files, and so legitimate, and shouldn’t be copied. I think.

As you can see, I got no response from the post I made. Nor did I get any help from https://www.itefix.net/ who provide cwRsync.

In the end I gave up and used XXCOPY, http://www.xxcopy.com/. It runs from a Command Line, doesn’t require a Windows package installation of 20Tb to work. (The whole XXCOPY directory is only 2.5Mb!).

My whole need for using these was to ensure that I got a REAL Backup of my data; Windoze doesn’t verify that the data it thinks it has copied, has actually happened. You need to use third party products to do this.

(I wasn’t impressed when I found this out!).

Although XXCOPY hasn’t been supported for some time, it did what it said it would do. First time. To prove it I it ran the windows fc command on all the files I’d used XXCOPY to copy. A prudent exercise on ANY data you back up. It took some time but confirmed XXCOPY was working.

于 2022-01-02T12:50:50.123 回答