我有一个 tex 文件(我创建的),我想在 python 脚本中读取这个文件,并将值从数据框插入/更新到表格单元格中。
对于这个 python 脚本 - 输入:乳胶模板。.csv。输出:.pdf 文件路径
\title{Report }%
This section covers all metrics related to drive time %
\subsection{Standalone Drive Time}%
Out of entire drive{-}time recorded, what would be the percentage driver assignment%
Sl No.&Week{-}26&Week{-}27&Week{-}28&WoW \%\\%
VLS enabled&947&946&946&0\\%
Total time (mins)&6729&6220&7074&13.73\\%
\% VLS drive time&66.9&65.89&66.19&0.46\\%
Note: A recorded minute is considered as “drive minute” if speed exceeds 2mph at least once in a minute.
\subsection{Drive Time boost}%
On top of existing driver login system ....%
Sl No.&Week{-}26&Week{-}27&Week{-}28&WoW \%\\%
Drive time (mins)&3482&3171&3673&15.83\\%
Assignment by others&2925&2668&3098&16.12\\%
\% Assignment by other&84.0&84.14&84.34&0.24\\%
Additional VLS&309&277&327&18.05\\%
\% Additional VLS&8.86&8.73&8.92&2.18\\%