我在 Apache Beam 中使用 KafkaIO 读取,我正在尝试调用withDynamicRead。我还有一个基本的 withCheckStopReadingFn 调用:

.withCheckStopReadingFn(new SerializableFunction<TopicPartition, Boolean>() {
   public Boolean apply(TopicPartition input) {
     return false;

我收到了这个错误,我无法理解它。有人知道如何正确调用 DynamicRead 吗?我正在使用 Apache Beam 2.29 版

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.display.DisplayData$InternalBuilder$PopulateDisplayDataException: Error while populating display data for component 'org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDo$MultiOutput': null

1 回答 1


This looks like a bug in Beam. Information on contacting the Beam community -devs and other users, and filing bug reports - are at https://beam.apache.org/community/contact-us/

于 2021-10-15T19:06:27.720 回答