我正在尝试创建一个 LM/NTLM 响应,为此我需要使用 DES 算法加密服务器发送的质询
from M2Crypto.EVP import Cipher
def encryptChallenge(magic, key):
str_key = ""
for iter1 in key:
str_key = str_key + chr(iter1)
encrypt = 1
cipher = Cipher(alg='des_ede_ecb', key=str_key, op=encrypt, iv='\0'*16)
ciphertext = cipher.update(magic)
ciphertext += cipher.final()
return ciphertext
使用 DES 加密时,我得到以下结果:
用于加密的密钥:['0xfe', '0x9b', '0xd5', '0x16', '0xcd', '0x15', '0xc8', '0x49']
Encrypted_server_challenge_using_key_1 : ['0x66', '0xf7', '0xa', '0xf8', '0xda', '0x4e', '0x7', '0xaa', '0x65', '0xc3', '0x8d', '0xaa', '0x48', '0xcc', '0x67', '0x57', '0xe2', '0xb0', '0x6e', '0x10', '0xb', '0x5e', '0xdd', '0xb4']
IP: L0=cc00ccff, R0=f0aaf0aa
Rnd1 f(R0=f0aaf0aa, SK1=0b 2c 23 12 33 1c 2b 09 ) = 988995a0
Rnd2 f(R1=5489595f, SK2=21 15 0d 11 1c 1a 3b 38 ) = 63200664
Rnd3 f(R2=938af6ce, SK3=01 35 2f 05 3e 19 30 1f ) = c206c318
Rnd4 f(R3=968f9a47, SK4=06 37 07 01 03 37 1a 3e ) = bdf738ef
Rnd5 f(R4=2e7dce21, SK5=06 14 17 29 0f 17 27 25 ) = 76c68d3d
Rnd6 f(R5=e049177a, SK6=34 14 06 0d 28 2c 23 37 ) = c182a1c7
Rnd7 f(R6=efff6fe6, SK7=04 18 2e 05 31 3a 3e 17 ) = c3e45497
Rnd8 f(R7=23ad43ed, SK8=04 13 22 27 2f 30 1f 19 ) = 4977a92c
Rnd9 f(R8=a688c6ca, SK9=12 0a 38 0c 3d 33 19 26 ) = 4975507e
Rnd10 f(R9=6ad81393, SK10=10 0b 30 1e 1f 08 2f 2e ) = d52a9361
Rnd11 f(R10=73a255ab, SK11=19 0a 31 22 05 0f 33 1f ) = 38b2a619
Rnd12 f(R11=526ab58a, SK12=38 2e 30 22 1b 3b 13 31 ) = e9dec064
Rnd13 f(R12=9a7c95cf, SK13=3a 0a 1c 12 2a 3e 35 2b ) = d88ee399
Rnd14 f(R13=8ae45613, SK14=19 09 18 1b 0b 2d 3c 16 ) = 9de6ddb2
Rnd15 f(R14=079a487d, SK15=19 39 01 12 37 14 17 36 ) = 5fb60a90
Rnd16 f(R15=d5525c83, SK16=24 05 0d 39 31 1f 2d 34 ) = 6a40b6ea
FP: L=c337cd5c, R=bd44fc97
returns c337cd5cbd44fc97
是否有我缺少的 DEScalc.jar 使用的特定算法,因此我没有得到 DEScalc.jar 获得的结果
大家好,非常感谢您的帮助;问题在于我在 python 中表示十六进制的方式;我使用以下函数将“0123456789abcdef”转换为 Keith 提到的十六进制表示,并且它有效:
def HexToByte( hexStr ):
Convert a string hex byte values into a byte string. The Hex Byte values may
or may not be space separated.
# The list comprehension implementation is fractionally slower in this case
# hexStr = ''.join( hexStr.split(" ") )
# return ''.join( ["%c" % chr( int ( hexStr[i:i+2],16 ) ) \
# for i in range(0, len( hexStr ), 2) ] )
bytes = []
hexStr = ''.join( hexStr.split(" ") )
for i in range(0, len(hexStr), 2):
bytes.append( chr( int (hexStr[i:i+2], 16 ) ) )
return ''.join( bytes )