我们正在 VMWare 平台上安装 Anthos,现在我们在 HA 中 Seesaw 负载均衡器的管理集群部署过程中出现错误。
两个 Seesaw VM 的 Deploy 已成功创建,但在检查运行状况检查时,我们收到以下错误 403:
ubuntu@anth-mgt-wksadmin:~$ gkectl create loadbalancer --config admin-cluster.yaml -v5
Reading config with version "v1"
- Validation Category: OS Images
- [SUCCESS] Admin cluster OS images exist
- Validation Category: Admin Cluster VCenter
- [SUCCESS] Credentials
- [SUCCESS] DRS enabled
- [SUCCESS] Hosts for AntiAffinityGroups
- [SUCCESS] vCenter Version
- [SUCCESS] ESXi Version
- [SUCCESS] Datacenter
- [SUCCESS] Datastore
- [SUCCESS] Resource pool
- [SUCCESS] Folder
- [SUCCESS] Network
- Validation Category: Bundled LB
- [FAILURE] Seesaw validation: admin cluster lb health check failed: LB "" is not healthy: received 403 Forbidden
- Validation Category: Network Configuration
- [SUCCESS] CIDR, VIP and static IP (availability and overlapping)
- Validation Category: GCP
- [SUCCESS] GCP service
- [SUCCESS] GCP service account
Some validation results were FAILURE or UNKNOWN. Check report above.
Preflight check failed with preflight check failed
Exit with error:
root@jump-mgm-wks:~# wget
--2021-07-27 13:56:04--
Connecting to connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2021-07-27 13:56:04 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
ubuntu@anth-mgt-bigip1:/var/log/seesaw$ cat seesaw_ha.anth-mgt-bigip1.root.log.ERROR.20210727-123208.1738
Log file created at: 2021/07/27 12:32:08
Running on machine: anth-mgt-bigip1
Binary: Built with gc go1.15.11 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0727 12:32:08.331013 1738 main.go:86] config: Failed to retrieve Config: HAConfig: Dial failed: dial unix /var/run/seesaw/engine/engine.sock: connect: no such file or directory