我不太确定这个实现,我可以清楚地理解这个问题,但我不确定正确的语法。private db: Map<string, any>有效,但这不是要走的路。

class Collection {
  private db: Map<string, GenericItem> = new Map(); // I would like to use 'GenericItem' here, but it is not assignable to 'T'.

  setItemByName<T extends GenericItem>(name: string, item: T): void {
  this.db.set(name, item);

  getCollectionItemByName<T extends GenericItem>(name: string): T {
    // Type 'GenericItem' is not assignable to type 'T'.
    // 'GenericItem' is assignable to the constraint of type 'T', 
    // but 'T' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'GenericItem'.
    return this.db.get(name);

class GenericItem { name = null; }
class Geometry extends GenericItem { faces = 'squares';}
class Human extends GenericItem { age = 12; }

const collection = new Collection();
const cube = new Geometry();

collection.setItemByName<Geometry>('cube', cube);

const cubeItem = collection.getCollectionItemByName<Geometry>('cube');

// narrowing the type with generics let inference instance properties and have an error message
console.log(cubeItem.age); // Property 'age' does not exist on type 'Geometry'.

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