The code below shows that I am trying to get the "encodedpassword" attribute value from the User type's JsonAuditRecord using the ReadAuditGateway.

JsonAuditRecord userJsonRecord = getUserJsonAuditRecords_withReadAuditGateway(query);
String encodedPassword = userJsonRecord.getAttributeAfterOperation("encodedpassword");

System.out.println(encodedPassword); //Hybris1808 would print the actual encoded password
System.out.println(encodedPassword); //CX2011 prints **** instead

After upgrading to CX2011, I found out that the User type's encodedPassword is audit blacklisted. Also, any blacklisted attributes would have their value obscured e.g. ****. I understand the rational behind that (possibly a security enhancement). However, to allow our custom code (that requires the un-obscured value of the encodedPassword) to continue working, I have tried to remove it from the audit blacklist by making sure that the two properties below are not set with any value in my local.properties


However, after performing "ant all" and restarted my local Hybris server, the encodedPassword is still obscured..

May I ask other than changing those properties above, are there other steps that needs to be done? e.g. overriding some OOTB classes.

Also, I have tried to read the Audit Report section in the SAP Commerce Documentation, I do not see the audit blacklisting part is being documented. I would appreciate if someone could also provide any links that relates to this topic.


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上面的这两个属性已经在 project.properties 文件之一中定义,如上所示(其中“encodedpassword”被列入黑名单)。因此,如果我们在 local.properties 文件中将这两个留空,Hybris 会将其视为 NULL 并忽略/跳过它。换句话说,它不会通过声明空属性来做任何事情。

要纠正这一点,最简单的方法是在 local.properties 文件中将一些其他字段指定为列入黑名单的属性。


于 2021-11-26T13:34:43.230 回答