我将 Octave GNU 用于 GUI Excel 数据。我想问你们如何在另一个函数中调用已定义的参数。这是我的代码。

%%First Function = pushbutton_Callback

function pushbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
fileName = uigetfile('*.xlsx')%%excel data import


guidata(hObject, handles)


%%Second Function = popupmenuX_Callback

function popupmenuX_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
fileName = fileName @pushbutton_Callback; 
printf ("in popupmenuX_Callback, calling pushbutton_Callback\n");

%%To nested function to prevent (because in Octave nested function is not accepted), I used subfunction as alternative%%

handles.fileName=fileName; %% This argument fileName I want to bring from first function
[numbers, colNames]=xlsread(fileName); %%read columns of excel data in first function


>> fileName = V8.xlsx
error: superclass calls can only occur in methods or constructors
error: called from
    popupmenuX_Callback at line 61 column 10

所以我想做的是,我想将第一个函数(pushbutton_Callback)中定义的参数“fileName”带到第二个函数(popupX_callback)。但它不能在第二个函数中定义。我听说octave 中的嵌套函数可以用“foo”、“foobar”或“ex_top”、“ex_a”函数解析。但我无法解决“ex_”函数的问题。那么我是否必须使用“foo”、“foobar”函数将参数调用到其他函数中?


==================================================== ==========================

我用我的完整代码编辑了我的问题。(下面的完整代码)所以我想做的是,就像这个视频一样。但在视频中的 Matlab 中,可以使用 GUIDE 或应用程序设计器制作,但在 Octave 中没有这样的功能。所以作为一个八度初学者,我很难解决这个问题。

%% Diagramm zeichen
close all
clear h
graphics_toolkit qt
pkg load io
h.ax = axes ("position", [0.3 0.25 0.6 0.5]);

h.plot_title_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
                                "units", "normalized",
                                "string", "Versuchsergebnis",
                                "horizontalalignment", "left",
                                "position", [0.03 0.9 0.25 0.08]);
%% Design for excel data import
h.print_pushbutton = uicontrol ("style", "pushbutton",
                                "units", "normalized",
                                "string", "Excel Datei mitbringen",
                                "callback", @pushbutton_Callback,
                                "position", [0.03 0.8 0.3 0.09]);

%% Drawing axis
h.popupmenuX        = uicontrol("Style","popupmenu",
    "units", "normalized",
    "string","X Axis",...
    "callback", @popupmenuX_Callback,
    "Position",[0.7 0.04 0.2 0.05]);
h.popupmenuY        = uicontrol("Style","popupmenu",
    "units", "normalized",
    "string","Y Axis",
    "Position",[0.03 0.5 0.2 0.05]);
%% Functions

%% 1. Excel Data import
function pushbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
fileName            = uigetfile('*.xlsx')%%excel data import
handles.fileName    = fileName;
guidata(hObject, handles)

%% 2. X Axis Information from excel data import

function popupmenuX_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
fileName            = pushbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
%%This code fileName causes error, that 'handles' is not defined.%%
handles.fileName    = fileName; %% This argument fileName I want to bring from first function
[numbers, colNames] = xlsread(fileName); %%read columns of excel data in first function

%% 3. Y Axis Information from excel data import
function popupmenuY_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
filename            = pushbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
handles.fileName    = fileName;
[numbers, colNames] = xlsread(fileName);

%%%% Plot the graph
a                   = xlsread (fileName);
xColNum             = get(popupmenuX_Callback,'value');
yColNum             = get(popupmenuY_Callback,'value');
fileName            = handles.fileName;
x                   = a(:,xColNum);
y                   = a(:,yColNum);
h.ax                = plot(x,y);

3 回答 3


允许加载 .csv 文件并根据 csv 标题填充两个弹出菜单的 GUI 示例。

示例 data.csv 文件:

Col1, Col2, Col3
1,    2,    3
2,    4,    8
3,    8,    9

示例 myscript.m

  pkg load io

% Create the Gui Window which will hold all controls and relevant data.
  GuiWindow = figure()

% An 'axes' object for displaying plots in the Gui Window
  axes ("position", [0.3 0.25 0.6 0.5], 'tag', 'plotarea' );

% Static text element used as a title
  uicontrol ("style", "text", "units", "normalized", "string", "Fur Zoo Hair Geb knees.", "horizontalalignment", "left", "position", [0.03 0.9 0.3 0.08] );
% A button for importing (excel) data
  uicontrol ("style", "pushbutton", "units", "normalized", "string", "CSV Dat Eye Meat Bringen", "callback", { @pushbutton_Callback, GuiWindow }, "position", [0.03 0.8 0.35 0.09], 'tag', 'button' );

% Popupmenus for selecting appropriate X and Y axis to display in plots
  uicontrol("Style","popupmenu", "units", "normalized", "string","X Axis", "callback", { @popupmenuX_Callback, GuiWindow }, "Position",[0.7 0.04 0.2 0.05], 'tag', 'XAxisMenu' );
  uicontrol("Style","popupmenu", "units", "normalized", "string","Y Axis", "callback", { @popupmenuY_Callback, GuiWindow }, "Position",[0.03 0.5 0.2 0.05], 'tag', 'YAxisMenu' );

  %% Functions (preferably placed in their own files!)

  function pushbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, GuiWindow)

    % Read in data from file, graphically selected by user
      fileName = uigetfile('*.csv');
      CellCsv  = csv2cell( fileName );
      Header   = CellCsv(1, :);
      Data     = CellCsv(2:end, :);

    % Populate the menu items for the X and Y Axis from the csv header
      XAxisMenu = findobj( 'tag', 'XAxisMenu' );
      set( XAxisMenu, 'string', Header );

      YAxisMenu = findobj( 'tag', 'YAxisMenu' );
      set( YAxisMenu, 'string', Header );

    % Also store headers and data as GuiWindow app data, in case we need them again later.
      setappdata( GuiWindow, 'Header', Header );
      setappdata( GuiWindow, 'Data'  , Data   );

    % Plot a preliminary plot in the plot area
      XData = [Data{:, 1}];
      YData = [Data{:, 1}];
      plot( XData, YData, 'bo-', 'tag', 'plotobject' );          

  %% 2. X Axis Information from excel data import
  function popupmenuX_Callback( hObject, eventdata, GuiWindow )
      Axes      = findobj( 'tag', 'plotarea' );
      Selection = get( hObject, 'value' );
      XData     = [ getappdata( GuiWindow, 'Data' ){ :, Selection } ];
      PlotObj   = findobj( 'tag', 'plotobject' );
      set( PlotObj, 'xdata', XData )

  %% 3. Y Axis Information from excel data import
  function popupmenuY_Callback( hObject, eventdata, GuiWindow )
      Axes      = findobj( 'tag', 'plotarea' );
      Selection = get( hObject, 'value' );
      YData     = [ getappdata( GuiWindow, 'Data' ){ :, Selection } ];
      PlotObj   = findobj( 'tag', 'plotobject' );
      set( PlotObj, 'ydata', YData )


请注意,我仅将数据存储在 GuiWindow 对象中,而不是存储到每个单独的图形对象(如按钮等)。另外,我更喜欢 setappdata,因为它允许以单独的名称存储多个数据(而 guidata 只存储一个对象,尽管这可以是一个结构)。

于 2021-07-28T11:48:37.780 回答

上面是 Tasos 的答案(带有 csv 文件),我将他的答案应用于我的代码,该代码适用于 excel 文件。因为代码xlsread忽略了列,所以用户应该关心这一点。


 pkg load io

% Create the Gui Window which will hold all controls and relevant data.
  GuiWindow = figure()

% An 'axes' object for displaying plots in the Gui Window
  axes ("position", [0.3 0.25 0.6 0.5], 'tag', 'plotarea' );

% Static text element used as a title
  uicontrol ("style", "text", "units", "normalized", "string", "Versuchsergebnis",'ForegroundColor','w','BackgroundColor',[0 0.4470 0.7410],'Fontweight','bold', "horizontalalignment", "center", "position", [0.03 0.9 0.35 0.08] );
% A button for importing (excel) data
  uicontrol ("style", "pushbutton", "units", "normalized", "string", "Datei(xlsx) mitbringen", "callback", { @pushbutton_Callback, GuiWindow }, "position", [0.03 0.8 0.35 0.09], 'tag', 'button' );

% Popupmenus for selecting appropriate X and Y axis to display in plots
  uicontrol("Style","popupmenu", "units", "normalized", "string","X Axis", "callback", { @popupmenuX_Callback, GuiWindow }, "Position",[0.7 0.04 0.2 0.05], 'tag', 'XAxisMenu' );
  uicontrol("Style","popupmenu", "units", "normalized", "string","Y Axis", "callback", { @popupmenuY_Callback, GuiWindow }, "Position",[0.03 0.5 0.2 0.05], 'tag', 'YAxisMenu' );

  %% Functions (preferably placed in their own files!)

  function pushbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, GuiWindow)

    % Read in data from file, graphically selected by user
      fileName      = uigetfile('*.xlsx');
      [num,txt,raw] = xlsread(fileName);
      header        = raw(1,:);
      Data          = xlsread(fileName);
    % Show fileName
      button   = findobj('tag', 'button');
      set( button, 'string', fileName)
    % Populate the menu items for the X and Y Axis from the csv header
      XAxisMenu = findobj( 'tag', 'XAxisMenu' );
      set( XAxisMenu, 'string', header );

      YAxisMenu = findobj( 'tag', 'YAxisMenu' );
      set( YAxisMenu, 'string', header );

    % Also store headers and data as GuiWindow app data, in case we need them again later.
      setappdata( GuiWindow, 'header', header );
      setappdata( GuiWindow, 'Data'  , Data   );

    % Plot a preliminary plot in the plot area
      XData = Data(:, 1);
      YData = Data(:, 1);
      plot( XData, YData, 'tag', 'plotobject' );          

  %% 2. X Axis Information from excel data import
  function popupmenuX_Callback( hObject, eventdata, GuiWindow )
      Axes      = findobj( 'tag', 'plotarea' );
      Selection = get( hObject, 'value' );
      XData     = [ getappdata( GuiWindow, 'Data' )( :, Selection ) ];
      PlotObj   = findobj( 'tag', 'plotobject' );
      set( PlotObj, 'xdata', XData )

  %% 3. Y Axis Information from excel data import
  function popupmenuY_Callback( hObject, eventdata, GuiWindow )
      Axes      = findobj( 'tag', 'plotarea' );
      Selection = get( hObject, 'value' );
      YData     = [ getappdata( GuiWindow, 'Data' )( :, Selection ) ];
      PlotObj   = findobj( 'tag', 'plotobject' );
      set( PlotObj, 'ydata', YData )
于 2021-07-29T08:45:53.890 回答


fileName = fileName @pushbutton_Callback; 


methodname@parentclassname(args)解释背景有点复杂,但基本上在matlab中,使用classdef关键字创建的新型类也​​允许继承,允许您通过语法调用“父”类(或“超类”)的方法. Octave 也将此系统移植到了 octave,以实现 matlab 兼容性。您实际上得到的错误表明您正在尝试在没有意义的上下文中调用超类方法(这是真的,因为您不在 classdef 块内)。



filename            = pushbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
[numbers, colNames] = xlsread(fileName);


于 2021-07-23T10:27:29.397 回答