我正在使用 Windows 10,我尝试让通知保持打开状态,直到用户按下单击通知,但无论我尝试什么,通知都会在一段时间后消失,有一些方法可以使用库:node-notifier或与另一个图书馆? 在此处输入图像描述

const notifier = require("node-notifier");
const path = require("path");

var isClickNote = false;

function sendNote() {
      title: "My awesome title",
      message: "Hello from node, Mr. User!",
      icon: path.join(__dirname, "coulson.jpg"), // Absolute path (doesn't work on balloons)
      sound: true, // Only Notification Center or Windows Toasters
      wait: true, // Wait with callback, until user action is taken against notification, does not apply to Windows Toasters as they always wait or notify-send as it does not support the wait option
    function (err, response, metadata) {
      // Response is response from notification
      // Metadata contains activationType, activationAt, deliveredAt

  notifier.on("click", function (notifierObject, options, event) {
    isClickNote = true;
    // console.log("notifierObject:", notifierObject);
    // Triggers if `wait: true` and user clicks notification

  notifier.on("timeout", function (notifierObject, options) {
    // Triggers if `wait: true` and notification closes


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