pip install gluonts==0.8.0 mxnet~=1.7 pathlib==1.0.1 numpy==1.17.2 pandas==1.0.5 ujson==4.0.2 torch~=1.6 pytorch-lightning~=1.1
ERROR: Cannot install gluonts==0.8.0, mxnet==1.7.0.post1, mxnet==1.7.0.post2, numpy==1.17.2 and pandas==1.0.5 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.
The conflict is caused by:
The user requested numpy==1.17.2
gluonts 0.8.0 depends on numpy~=1.16
pandas 1.0.5 depends on numpy>=1.13.3
mxnet 1.7.0.post2 depends on numpy<1.17.0 and >=1.8.2
The user requested numpy==1.17.2
gluonts 0.8.0 depends on numpy~=1.16
pandas 1.0.5 depends on numpy>=1.13.3
mxnet 1.7.0.post1 depends on numpy<1.17.0 and >=1.8.2
我指的是以下站点进行这些安装: https ://business-science.github.io/modeltime.gluonts/articles/managing-envs.html
有没有办法在没有任何依赖冲突的情况下安装所有这些包(即使它必须在新的 python 环境中,例如pipenv myenv