done: function (datamap) {
/* zoom on mouse scroll */
datamap.svg.call(d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom", redraw));
function redraw() {
.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");
const canvas = document.getElementById("choropleth_map");
const { width, height } = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const canvasFactor = width / height;
selectedCountry = isoCodeConverter[Country[0].code];
const countryFeature = map.current.svg.selectAll(`.datamaps-subunit.${selectedCountry}`)["0"]["0"].__data__;
if (countryFeature !== undefined) {
const bounds = path.bounds(countryFeature); // get bounds of selected country
bounds.s = bounds[0][1];
bounds.n = bounds[1][1];
bounds.w = bounds[0][0];
bounds.e = bounds[1][0];
bounds.height = Math.abs(bounds.n - bounds.s);
bounds.width = Math.abs(bounds.e - bounds.w);
newScale = 0.95 / Math.max(bounds.width / width, bounds.height / height);
const factor = bounds.width / bounds.height;
/* for maintaining width and height relative to the canvas size to keep the country in the middle */
if (factor < 1.8) {
bounds.w = bounds.w - Math.abs(bounds.height * canvasFactor - bounds.width) / 2;
if (factor > 1.8) {
bounds.s = bounds.s - Math.abs(bounds.width / canvasFactor - bounds.height) / 2;
/* update the current map*/
.attr("transform", `scale(${newScale})translate(${-bounds.w},${-bounds.s})`);
但是当我点击特定国家时出现问题(假设地图被缩放到大约 6 的缩放级别)并且在该级别使用鼠标滚动时,地图缩小到原始比例,即 1,而不是从当前比例,即6. 我解决这个问题的方法是在点击特定国家时保存当前的缩放和变换,如果可能的话,将其分配给 d3.event.scale。有没有更好的办法?单击特定国家/地区时如何获取地图的当前缩放级别以及如何将其分配给 d3.event?当控制台在特定国家函数中记录 d3.event 时,它给了我 null。我也是数据地图的新手,所以我自己没有更好的理解来解决它。