我有以下 javascript 为 FlexPlayer 编写 HTML:

document.writeln("<object width=\"489\" height=\"414\" FlashVars=\""+videoSource+"\">");
document.writeln("<param name=FlashVars value='sourceUrl=videoSource'>");

我需要FlashVars="sourceUrl=videoSource";其中 videoSource 是我从 PHP 获取的当前视频的变量,而 sourceUrl 是 Fl​​ex 播放器的变量。请修复第一行的 int,因为这个 FlashVars 语法让我发疯。


1 回答 1


You should use SWFObject as an easier way to embed your swf into your website. It also has a very simple way to include parameters (flashvars) into your movie in the documentation.

于 2011-07-26T20:36:04.783 回答