我想为我们的团队使用 jQAssistant。我根据https://101.jqassistant.org/setting-up-a-team-server/index.html安装了它,所以我有一个独立于 jQAssistant 运行的外部 Neo4j 商店。
<!-- Use this profile to reset the jQAssistant store (database) -->
然后我会遍历每个 Maven 模块并扫描它:
<!-- Use this profile to gather information using jQAssistant -->
[INFO] --- jqassistant-maven-plugin:1.9.1:scan (scan-software) @ foobar ---
[INFO] Scanning for jQAssistant plugins...
[INFO] [Asciidoc Report, CDI, Common, Core Analysis, Core Report, EJB3, GraphML, GraphQL, JAX-RS, JPA 2, JSON, JUnit, Java, Java EE 6, Maven 2 Repository, Maven 3, OSGi, RDBMS, Spring, TestNG, Tycho, XML, YAML].
[INFO] Connecting to store at 'bolt://my-neo4j-store.com:7687' (username=neo4j)
Jul 12, 2021 9:46:59 AM org.neo4j.driver.internal.logging.JULogger info
INFORMATION: Direct driver instance 839477204 created for server address my-neo4j-store.com:7687
[INFO] Resetting store.
[INFO] Reset finished (removed 0 nodes, 0 relations).
[INFO] Entering /foobar/target/classes
[INFO] Leaving /foobar/target/classes (70 entries, 307558 ms)
[INFO] Entering /foobar/target/test-classes
[INFO] Leaving /foobar/target/test-classes (70 entries, 1422 ms)
[INFO] Entering /foobar/target/surefire-reports
[INFO] Leaving /foobar/target/surefire-reports (46 entries, 1127 ms)
我不明白为什么我会看到,Resetting store.
然而,更让我困惑的是,当再次启动 Maven 构建时,我看到了:
[INFO] Resetting store.
[INFO] Reset finished (removed 0 nodes, 0 relations).