所以我正在解决这个问题(Rabin Karp 算法)并编写了这个解决方案:
private static void searchPattern(String text, String pattern) {
int txt_len = text.length(), pat_len = pattern.length();
int hash_pat = 0, hash_txt = 0; // hash values for pattern and text's substrings
final int mod = 100005; // prime number to calculate modulo... larger modulo denominator reduces collisions in hash
final int d = 256; // to include all the ascii character codes
int coeff = 1; // stores the multiplier (or coeffecient) for the first index of the sliding window
* say text = "abcd", then
* hashed text = 256^3 *'a' + 256^2 *'b' + 256^1 *'c' + 256^0 *'d'
// The value of coeff would be "(d^(pat_len - 1)) % mod"
for (int i = 0; i < pat_len - 1; i++)
coeff = (coeff * d) % mod;
// calculate hash of the first window and the pattern itself
for (int i = 0; i < pat_len; i++) {
hash_pat = (d * hash_pat + pattern.charAt(i)) % mod;
hash_txt = (d * hash_txt + text.charAt(i)) % mod;
for (int i = 0; i < txt_len - pat_len; i++) {
if (hash_txt == hash_pat) {
// our chances of collisions are quite less (1/mod) so we dont need to recheck the substring
System.out.println("Pattern found at index " + i);
hash_txt = (d * (hash_txt - text.charAt(i) * coeff) + text.charAt(i + pat_len)) % mod; // calculating next window (i+1 th index)
// We might get negative value of t, converting it to positive
if (hash_txt < 0)
hash_txt = hash_txt + mod;
if (hash_txt == hash_pat) // checking for the last window
System.out.println("Pattern found at index " + (txt_len - pat_len));
现在,如果 mod = 1000000007,这段代码根本不起作用,而只要我们取一些其他素数(足够大,比如 1e5+7),代码就会神奇地开始工作!
hash_txt = (d * (hash_txt - text.charAt(i) * coeff) + text.charAt(i + pat_len)) % mod;