在安全帽上测试一些代码时,我发现抛出了一个无法解释的异常。我在不和谐频道以及 etherjs 文档中都找不到任何解决方案。


import {ethers} from "hardhat";
import {loadFixture} from "ethereum-waffle";        

     describe.only("Images", async function () {
          let result;
          it("Creates images", async function () {
            const {Decentragram} = await loadFixture(fixture);
            const [owner, address2] = await ethers.getSigners();
            result = await Decentragram.connect(owner).uploadImage();
            let test = await Decentragram.connect(owner).test("test");


pragma solidity 0.8.6;

contract Decentragram {
    string public name = "Decentragram";

    // Store Images
    mapping(uint256 => Image) public images;
    mapping(string => uint256) public test;

    struct Image {
        uint256 id;
        string hashImg;
        string description;
        uint256 tipAmount;
        address payable author;

    // Create Images
    function uploadImage() public {
        images[1] = Image({
            id: 1,
            hashImg: "abcd",
            description: "description",
            tipAmount: 0,
            author: payable(address(0x0))

    function getImage(uint256 id) public view returns (Image memory) {
        Image memory img = images[id];
        return img;
    // Tip Images

这是我在运行“npx hardhat test”时遇到的错误:

Error: call revert exception (method="test(string)", errorArgs=null, errorName=null, errorSignature=null, reason=null, code=CALL_EXCEPTION, version=abi/5.4.0)
      at Logger.makeError (node_modules\@ethersproject\logger\src.ts\index.ts:213:28)
      at Logger.throwError (node_modules\@ethersproject\logger\src.ts\index.ts:225:20)
      at Interface.decodeFunctionResult (node_modules\@ethersproject\abi\src.ts\interface.ts:425:23)
      at Contract.<anonymous> (node_modules\@ethersproject\contracts\src.ts\index.ts:332:44)
      at step (node_modules\@ethersproject\contracts\lib\index.js:48:23)
      at Object.next (node_modules\@ethersproject\contracts\lib\index.js:29:53)
      at fulfilled (node_modules\@ethersproject\contracts\lib\index.js:20:58)
      at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
      at runNextTicks (internal/process/task_queues.js:64:3)
      at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:526:9)
      at processTimers (internal/timers.js:500:7)

1 回答 1



import {ethers} from "hardhat";
import {loadFixture} from "ethereum-waffle";        

     describe.only("Images", async function () {
          let result;

          it("Creates images", async function () {
            const {Decentragram} = await loadFixture(fixture);
            const [owner, address2] = await ethers.getSigners();
            result = await Decentragram.connect(owner).uploadImage();
            let test = await Decentragram.test("test"); <<<<< don't use .connect() in order to call any default getter generated by solidity. Can't tell for sure but perhaps is because it is not necessary. There's not msg.sender on the call? Who knows? If you do, i'd appreciate your explanation below.

我终于找到了解释。结果当我部署我的合同时,我在 mocha-waffle 上使用了这个夹具:


async function fixture([owner]: Wallet[], provider: Provider) {
  const _Decentragram: Contract = await deployContract(owner, DecentragramJSON);
  const Decentragram: Contract = await _Decentragram.deployed();

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

这里我们改为使用合约工厂部署方法,默认情况下不需要 Signer。

  const _Decentagram2Fac = await ethers.getContractFactory("Decentragram");
  const _Decentagram2 = await _Decentagram2Fac.deploy();
  const Decentragram2 = await _Decentagram2.deployed();
  return {Decentragram, Decentragram2};
于 2021-07-10T16:55:03.987 回答