我有一个大型 Elixir (1.7.4) 应用程序,并且正在运行透析器(使用 dialyxir 的最新版本)。对于似乎主要位于嵌套在我在 deps 中的包下的模块中的函数,我得到了很多 unknown_function 错误。我发现了新的 Mix.Tasks 的 How to fix Dialyzer "Callback info about the '.....' behavior is not available" 错误(我也有错误,我希望共享一个解决方案),它说我应该能够将应用程序添加到我的 mix.exs 文件中,但这似乎根本没有做任何事情。
dialyzer: [
+ plt_add_apps: [:mix, :plug],
plt_add_deps: [:app_tree, :staged_client]
Callback info about the Plug behaviour is not available.
即使在将插件 dep 添加到上述应用程序之后。有什么明显的我做错了吗?如果它们也是依赖项,你能解释一下需要列为应用程序的内容吗?如果您有解决方案,请具体说明。我对透析器很陌生,对长生不老药也很陌生。
(ps 不得不说,透析器令人难以置信的准确性给我留下了深刻的印象。所以如果我能把这种噪音安静下来,这样我就可以真正解决问题了。到目前为止发现了一些偷偷摸摸的错误(还有很多不好的眼镜 :-( )。)
这是我在 mix.exs 中的项目定义,更改了我的应用程序名称,并添加了表达式以尝试 Aleksei 的 plt_add_apps 解决方案(到目前为止还没有工作)。
def project do
app: :my_app,
# version: "1.0.0-beta15",
version: version(),
elixir: "~> 1.7",
elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),
compilers: [:phoenix, :gettext] ++ Mix.compilers(),
start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
dialyzer: [
plt_add_apps: Enum.map(deps(), &elem(&1, 0)) -- [:excoveralls, :hound, :mox],
plt_add_deps: [:app_tree, :staged_client]
elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),
elixirc_options: [long_compilation_threshold: 120],
test_coverage: [tool: ExCoveralls],
test_paths: ["test" | Path.wildcard("plugins/*/test")],
preferred_cli_env: [
coveralls: :test,
"coveralls.detail": :test,
"coveralls.post": :test,
"coveralls.html": :test
aliases: aliases(),
deps: deps(),
build_path: build_path()
Finding suitable PLTs
Checking PLT...
[:arc, :arc_ecto, :asn1, :auto_linker, :bcrypt_elixir, :briefly, :certifi, :coherence, :combine, :comeonin, :compiler, :conform, :connection, :cors_plug, :cowboy, :cowlib, :cpu_util, :crypto, :db_connection, :decimal, :distillery, :earmark, :ecto, :eex, :elixir, :elixir_uuid, :etop, :ex_ami, :ex_crypto, :ex_data, :ex_doc, :ex_syslogger, :exactor, :exprintf, :exprof, :faker_elixir_octopus, :file_system, :flip_text, :floki, :gen_smtp, :gen_stage, :gen_state_machine, :gettext, :git_cli, :hackney, :hedwig, :hedwig_simple_responders, :hpack, :html_entities, :html_sanitize_ex, ...]
PLT is up to date!
Total errors: 880, Skipped: 0, Unnecessary Skips: 0
done in 0m59.28s
Function Arc.Actions.Delete.delete/2 does not exist.
Function Arc.Actions.Store.store/2 does not exist.
Function Arc.Actions.Url.url/4 does not exist.
Function Arc.Ecto.Schema.convert_params_to_binary/1 does not exist.
Function Arc.Ecto.Type.cast/2 does not exist.
Function Arc.Ecto.Type.dump/2 does not exist.
Function Arc.Ecto.Type.load/2 does not exist.
Function Arc.Ecto.Type.type/0 does not exist.
Function Jason.decode/1 does not exist.
Function Jason.decode/2 does not exist.
Function Jason.decode!/1 does not exist.
Function Jason.decode!/2 does not exist.
Function Jason.encode/1 does not exist.
Function Jason.encode!/1 does not exist.
Function Logger.__do_log__/3 does not exist.
Function Logger.__should_log__/1 does not exist.
Function Logger.add_backend/1 does not exist.
Function Logger.configure/1 does not exist.
Function Logger.configure_backend/2 does not exist.
Function Logger.level/0 does not exist.
Function Logger.remove_backend/1 does not exist.
Function Logger.remove_backend/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.assign/3 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.delete_req_header/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.fetch_session/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.get_peer_data/1 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.get_session/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.halt/1 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.merge_resp_headers/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.put_private/3 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.put_resp_cookie/4 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.put_resp_header/3 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.put_session/3 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.put_status/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.register_before_send/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.send_resp/3 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.Query.decode/1 does not exist.
Function Plug.Conn.Query.encode/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Debugger.__catch__/5 does not exist.
Function Plug.HTML.html_escape/1 does not exist.
Function Plug.HTML.html_escape_to_iodata/1 does not exist.
Function Plug.Head.call/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Logger.call/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.MethodOverride.call/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Parsers.call/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.RequestId.call/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Session.call/2 does not exist.
Function Plug.Static.call/2 does not exist.
Function :hackney.stream_next/1 does not exist.
Function :public_key.decrypt_public/2 does not exist.
Function :public_key.encrypt_private/2 does not exist.
Function :public_key.pem_decode/1 does not exist.
Function :public_key.pem_entry_decode/1 does not exist.
Unknown type: Ecto.Changeset.t/0.
Unknown type: Ecto.Query.t/0.
Unknown type: Ecto.Queryable.all/0.
Unknown type: Ecto.Queryable.t/0.
Unknown type: Ecto.Schema.t/0.
Unknown type: Ecto.Schema.Metadata.t/0.
Unknown type: Ecto.UUID.t/0.
Unknown type: HTTPPoison.Response.t/0.
Unknown type: HTTPoison.AsyncResponse.t/0.
Unknown type: HTTPoison.Base.body/0.
Unknown type: HTTPoison.Base.headers/0.
Unknown type: HTTPoison.Error.t/0.
Unknown type: HTTPoison.Response.t/0.
Unknown type: Integer.t/0.
Unknown type: List.t/0.
Unknown type: Logger.level/0.
Unknown type: Logger.message/0.
Unknown type: Map.t/0.
Unknown type: Module.t/0.
Unknown type: Phoenix.Socket.t/0.
Unknown type: Phoenix.Template.name/0.
Unknown type: Pigeon.APNS.Notification.t/0.
Unknown type: Pigeon.FCM.Notification.t/0.
Unknown type: Plug.Conn.t/0.
Unknown type: String.t/1.
Unknown type: String.type/0.
Unknown type: Struct.t/0.
Unknown type: Swoosh.Email.t/0.
Callback info about the Mix.Task behaviour is not available.
Callback info about the Plug behaviour is not available.
Callback info about the Phoenix.Endpoint behaviour is not available.
Callback info about the Plug behaviour is not available.
Callback info about the Phoenix.Endpoint behaviour is not available.
Callback info about the Plug behaviour is not available.
Callback info about the Plug behaviour is not available.
Callback info about the Plug behaviour is not available.
Callback info about the Plug behaviour is not available.
Callback info about the Plug behaviour is not available.
done (warnings were emitted)
Halting VM with exit status 2