一部分放入文档中,但在放置时遇到了问题(因为我对正在做的事情有一个糟糕的心理模型,而且我不是 CSS 向导)。我希望将图片设置在文本的左侧,理想情况下,文本在其周围流动。distill
title: "Distill picture example"
site: distill::distill_website
<img align="left" src="django_small.png" width="50">
Here is some text that should be included, more than one line ... lorem ipsum when in the course of human events fourscore years and ten because I said so. (Make this a little longer so it will demonstrate wrapping?)
结果(用 编译rmarkdown::render()
):内部 CSS 机制覆盖了我请求的 50 像素宽度,而是以全宽呈现事物。
title: "Distill picture example"
site: distill::distill_website
<div class "layout-chunk" data-layout="l-body side">
<img align="left" src="django_small.png" width="50">
Here is some text that should be included, more than one line ... lorem ipsum when in the course of human events fourscore years and ten because I said so. (Not long enough to demonstrate wrapping?)
那更接近了,但我更希望将图片设置在文本的左侧(而不是在其上方),理想情况下,文本围绕图片流动。我已经查看了distill布局定义,并且这个 rstudio-distill 问题说distill
我想可能会有一些 CSS 和/或两列单行表格布局的神奇组合可以满足我的要求,但可能需要数小时的反复试验(超出我已经花费的时间)想办法 ...