我正在尝试使用海康威视 SDK https://www.hikvision.com/en/support/download/sdk/ 我目前的目标是打开对讲室外站的门(触发输出)。
我的下一步是开门。为此,我需要调用 NET_DVR_RemoteControl 函数,其中包括 NET_DVR_Control_GateWay 的结构。
现在这样做时它不起作用,它返回错误 17,这显然是:
参数错误。SDK API中的输入或输出参数为NULL,或参数的值或格式与需求不匹配。
因此,我的 C# 代码中几乎 100% 有问题。但我不知道它是什么,据我所知,如果您不是这方面的专家(我不是),这很难轻易确定
函数的 dll 导入:
public static extern bool NET_DVR_RemoteControl(int lUserID, uint dwCommand, IntPtr lpInBuffer, uint dwInBufferSize);
public struct NET_DVR_Control_GateWay
public uint dwSize;
public uint dwGatewayIndex;
public byte byCommand;
public byte byLockType;
public UInt16 wLockID;
[MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.I1)]
public byte[] byControlSrc;
public byte byControlType;
[MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.I1)]
public byte[] byRes3;
[MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.I1)]
public byte[] byPassword;
[MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 108, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.I1)]
public byte[] byRes2;
public void Init()
byRes3 = new byte[64];
byRes2 = new byte[108];
private void button_Door1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_Control_GateWay gateWay = new CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_Control_GateWay();
gateWay.dwSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(gateWay);
gateWay.dwGatewayIndex = 1;
gateWay.byCommand =1; //opening command
gateWay.byLockType = 0 ; //this is a normal lock not a smart lock
gateWay.wLockID = 0; //this is 0 because I want to use the door station's output
gateWay.byControlSrc = new byte[] {123} ; // this needs to be something, but doesn't matter what
gateWay.byControlType = 1 ; //this needs to be 1 or 2 but does not matter which
//gateWay.byPassword = ; this is not needed because the LockType is 0
IntPtr ptrStruData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)gateWay.dwSize);
var dd = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_RemoteControl(lUserID, 16009, ptrStruData, gateWay.dwSize);
MessageBox.Show(dd.ToString() + CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetLastError().ToString() + "\n" + gateWay.dwSize.ToString() + "\n" + "ptrStruData:" + ptrStruData.ToString());
如果有人能让我朝着正确的方向前进,我将不胜感激,因为我之前从未使用过 C#、c++ 互操作,此时我不知道如何前进,如何调试,如何确定代码中的问题.