我已经开始研究算法和软件开发,作为一个小型的自我评估项目,我决定用 C++ 编写 A* 搜索算法。它使用 Qt 和 OpenGL 作为视觉部分(但这并不重要)。
主要使用这个来源: A* Pathfinding for Beginners
我使用了 stateMatrix[][] 其中
1 = entrance green;
2 = exit;
3 = wall and;
4 = path;
我还使用矩阵来表示 openNodes 和 closedNode。closedNodes 矩阵是 bool 矩阵,openNode 矩阵还存储一些信息:
openNodes 指令是:
0 - bool open or closed
1 - F
2 - G
3 - H
4 - parentX
5 - parentY
#include <math.h>
#include "apath.h"
gridSize = 100;
int i, j, k;
for(i = 0; i < gridSize; i++)
for(j = 0; j < gridSize; j++)
stateMatrix[i][j] = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < 6; k++) openNodes[i][j][k] = 0;
closedNodes[i][j] = 0;
targetX = targetY =
openX = openY = entranceX = entranceY = 0;
void aPath::start()
bool testOK = false;
int G = 0;
openNodes[entranceX][entranceY][0] = 1;
openNodes[entranceX][entranceY][2] = 14;
openNodes[entranceX][entranceY][3] = euclidean(entranceX,
openNodes[entranceX][entranceY][1] =
openNodes[entranceX][entranceY][2] +
openNodes[entranceX][entranceY][4] = entranceX;
openNodes[entranceX][entranceY][5] = entranceY;
int i, j, x, y;
while(closedNodes[targetX][targetY] == 0)
closedNodes[openX][openY] = 1;
openNodes[openX][openY][0] = 0;
//Check the 8 squares around
for(i = openX - 1; i <= openX + 1; i++)
for(j = openY - 1; j <= openY + 1; j++)
//check if the square is in the limits,
//is not a wall and is not in the closed list
if((i >= 0) && (j >= 0) &&
(i < gridSize) && (j < gridSize) &&
(stateMatrix[i][j] != 3) &&
(closedNodes[i][j] == 0))
//G calculus. If it is in the edge it costs more
x = i - openX + 1;
y = j - openY + 1;
if((x == 0 && y == 0) ||
(x == 0 && y == 2) ||
(x == 2 && y == 0) ||
(x == 2 && y == 2))
G = 14;
else G = 10;
//check if node is already open
if(openNodes[i][j][0] == 0)
openNodes[i][j][0] = 1;
openNodes[i][j][2] = G;
openNodes[i][j][3] = euclidean(i,j);
openNodes[i][j][1] = openNodes[i][j][2] + openNodes[i][j][3];
openNodes[i][j][4] = openX;
openNodes[i][j][5] = openY;
else //if node is open, check if this path is better
if(G < openNodes[i][j][2])
openNodes[i][j][2] = G;
openNodes[i][j][1] = openNodes[i][j][2] + openNodes[i][j][3];
openNodes[i][j][4] = openX;
openNodes[i][j][5] = openY;
void aPath::reconstruct()
bool test = false;
int x = openNodes[targetX][targetY][4];
int y = openNodes[targetX][targetY][5];
stateMatrix[x][y] = 4;
x = openNodes[x][y][4];
y = openNodes[x][y][5];
if(x == entranceX && y == entranceY) test = true;
} while(test == false);
int aPath::euclidean(int currentX, int currentY)
int dx = targetX - currentX;
int dy = targetY - currentY;
return 10*sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy));
void aPath::searchLessOpen()
int F = 1000000;
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < gridSize; i++)
for(j = 0; j < gridSize; j++)
if(openNodes[i][j][0] == 1)
if(openNodes[i][j][1] <= F)
F = openNodes[i][j][1];
openX = i;
openY = j;