我在 IPS 模式下运行 SNORT,使用:

sudo snort -c covert-channels/defender/snort/test_snort.conf -i enp0s8:enp0s3 -Q -A console -q

在安装过程中,test_snort.conf 是 snort.conf 的直接副本,但是我已将以下配置更改为内联模式。

#config daq: pcap
config daq_dir: covert-channels/defender/snort/daq-2.0.7
config daq_mode: inline
config policy_mode: inline

With rules: 

    drop icmp any any -> any any ( msg:"ICMP:Packet dropped"; 
    sid:100007; rev:1; )

Pings are successful from one VM to another though I recieve an Dropped Packet Message in Snort. 

After many changes and iterations: I have the below happening. 

 * Ping from Local Machine Successful, With SNORT Alert for IPAddress of a VM in saved state ...56.104 -> 56.105  though ...1.3 is my computer
 * Ping from Second VM also successful, with Alert in SNORT having IP of enps08 inet (similiar not exact) vs
[enter image description here][1]

  [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/pBvok.png

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