我正在用 Ursina 开发一个小游戏,由于某种原因,它没有显示所有元素并且忽略了更新。游戏是关于点击随机生成的点。这是我的代码:
- menu.py(主文件)
from ursina import *
from point import *
from game import play, play_2
class Menu(Entity):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super().__init__(parent = camera.ui, ignore_paused = True)
self.main_menu = Entity(parent = self, enabled = True)
# More menus
Text(text = 'Main Menu', parent = self.main_menu, y=0.4, x=0, origin=(0,0))
def starting(): # Game starts
def update(): # The program ignores this update, so the following line isn't executed
ButtonList(button_dict = {
'Settings':Func(print, 'Settings was clicked')
}, y = 0, parent = self.main_menu)
app = Ursina(fullscreen = True)
menu = Menu()
- 点.py
from ursina import *
class Point(Entity):
def __init__(self, position = (0,0,0), parent = camera, **kwargs):
parent = parent,
model = 'sphere',
scale = .04,
position = position,
collider = 'sphere'
def input(self, key):
global generate
global score
global missed
if key == 'left mouse down' and self.hovered:
score += 1
generate = True
if key == 'left mouse down' and self.hovered == False:
missed += 1
generate = False
score = 0
missed = 0
- 游戏.py
from ursina import *
from point import Point, generate, score, missed
from random import uniform
score_text = Text(text = 'h')
missed_text = Text(text = 'h')
points = []
def play(): # Generates all the needed things and an init point
global score_text
global missed_text
camera.position = (0,0,-4)
camera.rotation_x = 10
board = Entity(parent = camera, model = 'quad', scale = 2, color = color.rgb(0,0,0), position = (0,0,3))
score_text.scale = 1
score_text.position = (.66,.43)
missed_text.scale = 1
missed_text.position = (.66,.4)
point = Point(parent = board)
def play_2(): # The actual game starts
global generate
global score
global missed
global score_text
global missed_text
global points
if generate == True:
point = Point(position = (uniform(-.44,.44), uniform(-.265,.265),-.1))
generate = False
score_text.text = f'Score: {score}'
missed_text.text = f'Missed: {missed}'