I have some doubts need to be cleared

I heard you can't send Bitcoin to Ethereum Wallet and the vice versa is also not valid. What about sending BNB to Ethereum Wallet or the vice versa ? Can we have BNB in Ethereum Wallet or ETH in Binance Wallet ?

If the answer is yes, since the are basically almost the same (ERC20 and BEP20). Then is it possible to sell dan receive NFT from Binance Marketplace using ETH currency or using BNB in Ethereum marketplace ?

I asked this question because I want to make a marketplace based on Binance chain contract, but still able to accept ETH as the payment.

I need some clarification for this. Thank you


1 回答 1


我们可以在以太坊钱包中拥有 BNB 或在币安钱包中拥有 ETH 吗?


那么是否可以使用 ETH 从 Binance Marketplace 出售 dan 接收 NFT

这是向 Binance Marketplace 开发人员支持提出的业务问题,而不是针对通用编程论坛。这里没有币安业务人员可以回答您的问题。

于 2021-07-01T08:57:17.127 回答