在 Windows 上使用 icacls 更改权限后访问文件时出现间歇性“访问被拒绝”。


import os

for x in range(50):

    #this exe will check the existence of a file , is not present then copy the file and change the permission to ADMINISTRATOR/SYSTEM:F and BUILTIN/Users:(RX)

    file = 'C:\\Program Files\\***\\test.exe'
    retval = os.system('"' +  file +  '" -i')
    print("retVal : %d" %retval)

    #reset the permission of the same file and the parent folder

    os.system("icacls C:\\ProgramData\\***\\ParentFolder /reset /T /Q /C")
    os.system("icacls C:\\ProgramData\\***\\file.xml /grant *S-1-5-32-545:(W) /T /Q /C")

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