任何人都可以帮助诊断我做了什么。我试图启用自动发现,现在 WHM/Cpanel/website 将无法解决。我仍然可以通过 SSH 访问。
Updating tweak settings...
Your changes have been saved.
Restarting cPanel daemons...done.
Updating your system to reflect any changes...
Updating “Thunderbird and Outlook autodiscover and autoconfig support (enables service subdomain and SRV record creation)” from “Off” to “On”.
“Thunderbird and Outlook autodiscover and autoconfig support (enables service subdomain and SRV record creation)” was updated.
Processing post action for Thunderbird and Outlook autodiscover and autoconfig support (enables service subdomain and SRV record creation):
Creating service subdomain DNS entries in background. This process can take several minutes to complete.
“Thunderbird and Outlook autodiscover and autoconfig support (enables service subdomain and SRV record creation)” was updated.
现在网站宕机了,whm/cpanel 宕机了,并且电子邮件被退回。有任何想法吗??
托管在 AWS Lightsail 上,使用 GoDaddy 名称服务器和 dns。