playableDuration 大致可以通过以下过程实现:
- (NSTimeInterval) playableDuration
// use loadedTimeRanges to compute playableDuration.
AVPlayerItem * item = _moviePlayer.currentItem;
if (item.status == AVPlayerItemStatusReadyToPlay) {
NSArray * timeRangeArray = item.loadedTimeRanges;
CMTimeRange aTimeRange = [[timeRangeArray objectAtIndex:0] CMTimeRangeValue];
double startTime = CMTimeGetSeconds(aTimeRange.start);
double loadedDuration = CMTimeGetSeconds(aTimeRange.duration);
// FIXME: shoule we sum up all sections to have a total playable duration,
// or we just use first section as whole?
NSLog(@"get time range, its start is %f seconds, its duration is %f seconds.", startTime, loadedDuration);
return (NSTimeInterval)(startTime + loadedDuration);
_moviePlayer 是您的AVPlayer 实例,通过检查AVPlayerItem 的loadedTimeRanges,您可以计算出估计的playableDuration。
对于只有 1 个部分的视频,您可以使用此过程;但对于多节视频,您可能需要检查loadedTimeRagnes 数组中的所有时间范围以获得正确答案。